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Fook2-- Hotkey Problem


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I just installed Fook2 for the first time and I'm having an issue. Immediately after loading my Save I get the following message: LINK


No matter what keys I assign, the message continues to pop up. I can't exit out of it- I can't even move. Does anyone know what the issue is?








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Evidently not, considering you've got Anchorage.esm sitting above Fallout3.esm in your load order. Put Fallout3.esm at the top instead. Can't imagine BOSS would actually mix them up though.


Only reason I could think of why you've got the hotkey issue is that you've got 1 or more mods which also work with hotkeys. In that case, try disabling any mods that might do so and see if the issue still persists.

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Evidently not, considering you've got Anchorage.esm sitting above Fallout3.esm in your load order. Put Fallout3.esm at the top instead. Can't imagine BOSS would actually mix them up though.


Only reason I could think of why you've got the hotkey issue is that you've got 1 or more mods which also work with hotkeys. In that case, try disabling any mods that might do so and see if the issue still persists.

Hm, that's odd. BOSS automatically organizes them consistently, right? Do I have to launch it every time I install new mods?


EDIT: I disabled every single mod, but Fook2. Still have the same problem.

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Do I have to launch it every time I install new mods?


Only if the mod uses 1 or more plugins and you don't know where to place them in your load order.



EDIT: I disabled every single mod, but Fook2. Still have the same problem.


Might consider asking at FOOK2's comments thread then. Last I checked, blove is still actively providing support for it.

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Your save is pre-FOOK2 or post?


Sprint has a hotkey for sure. What is it? Does RHIS have hotkeys?


Using a save unblessed by FOOK2, install FOOK2, Set all options to FOOK2 Defaults, save, exit to desktop, load that save, and setup FOOK2 the way that you want it.


Fellout is integrated in FOOK2, but if you want darker nights load Fellout.esp after the FOOK2 plugins. Fellout DLC data is fully integrated in FOOK2. Move Enhanced Weather below that. You will need a compatibility patch for RHIS and FOOK2 and I do not know of one that also adds compatibility for WMK on top of that.

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I switched around the load order a bit and the problem is gone. Unfortunately, half of the NPC's in the game are missing their clothing. I have no idea why.


Update: The only places where NPC's are missing clothing are Underworld and Rivet City, which were the first places I went to.

Edited by Spoogle
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