ophiuchus85 Posted March 30, 2014 Share Posted March 30, 2014 (edited) THE ENGINEER Utilize the mysteries of the Dwemer to wreak havoc on your enemies from afar while your mechanized allies evicerate them before they get too close! For an added flair, use only Dwemer armor and weaponry. Gamers who enjoyed "Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura" will find this playstyle awfully familiar. Primary Skills:Marksmanship: Invest heavily in the Crossbow branch as this will be your main form of offense, especially early on.Light Weaponry: Used as a backup. To fit within the theme, use a Dwemer mace with the appropriate perks. Alternatively, you could use a Dwemer hammer and invest in Heavy Weaponry.Heavy Armor: Stagger reduction is very important when fighting high level archers. Again, Dwemer armor fits the theme perfectly.Alteration: Construct Dwemer Animunculi and add utility (Flesh/Weapon spells, Push/Pull, etc.) to the build.Smithing: Obvious as this is a requirement for virtually all Crossbow perks. The Steel, Dwarven, and Meltdown perks are necessary.Alchemy: Invest in the Explosives branch for some great AoE damage. Potions can be used for utility; Slow Time (SkyRe's replacement for Fortify Enchantment) is especially powerful when facing enemies that strafe. Races:Dunmer or Nord for resistances or Redguard for Sandstorm Charge. Anything goes in an RP, though (I rather enjoy an Imperial archaeologist). You could also go for a Dwemer race mod if you don't care about immersion (of course you could always RP as a Dwemer who pretends to be a Dunmer with a skin condition or something). Tips:You will be lugging around a lot of crafting items along with your Animunculi, so investing in Fortify Carry Weight effects is strongly advised.As it's not possible to "upgrade" spiders, hold off on creating them until you get the Repair Unit perk.Just like with summons, you should take care while adventuring in tight interiors as followers can often get in your way.Remember that you can't sprint while the crossbow's reload animation plays, so be careful when a Bandit Chief lunges in for a power attack. Pros:Animunculi can soak up a pretty solid amount of damage. Spiders can provide decent ranged health and magicka damage and can heal your units; Spheres are great all around; Ballistae are for artillery support; and Centurions are, well, Centurions.Bone Breaker (Light Weaponry mace perk) combined with crossbows makes enemy armor values irrelevant.The Dwarven smithing perk (15% damage reduction versus Falmer and Dwemer constructs) will help out tremendously when scouring Dwemer ruins - which, as you can imagine you will be doing a lot.Unlike other "summon" playstyles, you can bring along as many constructs as you'd like! Cons:Requires a hefty amount of pre-planning such as mining, gathering reagents and Dwemer metal, upgrading ammunition, etc.Enhanced bolts can be fairly time consuming to create; missing a shot can be frustrating. The same goes for Animunculi that are destroyed.Difficult to use in close-quarters situations due to a lack of focus on Melee and/or Block. Animunculi can easily get trapped in smaller areas."Crafting" Animunculi requires Alteration, and since this isn't a Mage build, training the skill can be time consuming and a bit unnatural.A pretty challenging build from the beginning as it relies on perks you can't get right off the bat. Plus, Dwemer ruins can be difficult early on. As with everything Skyre, though, it gets quite a lot easier after lvl 20/25ish. Edited March 30, 2014 by ophiuchus85 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kronrah Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 (edited) THE ENGINEER Yup. Played that one as well - you all gonna LOVE explosive bolts capable of knocking a GIANT (but not a mammoth/dragon) down. For better dwemer engineer immersion I used:- Dwemer Exoskeleton mod.- Dwemer googles and scouter mod.- Fishing in Skyrim mod*. * - Why? Because it's adding dwemer "dynamite" you can throw as a lesser power (but it cosumes physical item you have to buy or craft [and it's expensive]). Each of these mods is balanced (imho) and it's not like "Take what you can, give nothing back" kind of mods - you have to actually put some effort to get benefits. I haven't build my exoskeleton before 25 lvl. However the other SkyRe "interesting build" designed by myself is... DOVAH MONK / PRIEST OF TALOS These are two a little different builds but both shout-oriented. Just a bit different playstyle (monk is more warrior-ish and priest is more like... a priest. Or a mage). Because of that, you'll need some legend: Legend:[M] - read this as "Monk skill/perk".[P] - read this as "Priest skill/perk". - read this as "BOTH builds skill/perk". Stats: For a Magicka-Health-Stamina scheme you should lvl-up like this: Monk: 1-3-1Priest: 3-2-1 Which means that as a Monk you should pack 3 lvls in health, then 1 in stamina and then 1 in magicka. If you know that you will definetely use Blood Magic, then you can even switch to 0-3-2 (or 0-4-1 if you feel like you have enough stamina) at your 20-ish lvls, because you will cast mostly for health points. Primary skills: Speechcraft - because of its shout perks and also its group-oriented "Strenght in numbers" and "Loyalty" perks for those who like to use their followers to maximum. You don't need this skill leveled more than 90 (because that's the requirement for top-lvl of some shout perks) however "echoing rage/reason" perks makes your shouts magnitude scale with your speechcraft skill so it's still good to have more of it. Alteration - It's marked as "both build" skill but it's way more important for a Priest than a Monk. Priest will use it as any other mage so perk out what you can, while the Monk will mainly need a "Dragonflesh" spell and "second skin" perk because perked Dragonflesh is providing you withs 15% reduced shout cooldown which is essential for both builds.Also all perks related to Blood Magic are recommended for Monk because that build will most likely pump more lvl-ups in Health than in Magicka. Restoration [P] - You're a priest and that means you are a healer :wink: Also - you are a dragon-power-stealing-bastard so you will most likely deal with tons of draugrs and dragon priests which are undead. And undead don't like restoration so use it! I was using mostly Auras and "ring" spells (rings, however, are from "Apocalypse spell package) because they are quite nice when it comes to close combat. "Brainmelt Syndrome" and "Bloodcaster's Curse" spells are very useful against mages of any sort. Light Armor [M] - Skill it if you don't feel like running around in clothing and you like to feel some armor on your skin. Used alongside mage armor spells will provide you with almost as much protection as heavy armor (but not heavy armor + alteration, obviously) and skilltree itself has some nice perks you may like. Light Weaponry [M] - Since the Unarmed combat is the centre of the Monk concept, it's most advised to perk out the Unarmed sub-tree and going for a "Stonefist Disciple" rather than "Windfist Disciple". It's because later Stonefist perks are giving you quite high chance to knock your target down and increases your damage against huge and heavy-armored opponents up to 60%. And since dragons are huge creatures and you're the ultimate dragon killer, this is exactly what you need.You may want, however, perk out some weapon sub tree. If yes - you can either choose some light weapon like wakizashi or tanto or invest in... Heavy Weaponry [M] - It's an alternative to light weapon (but not unarmed - you should still train it to the max!). For greatest immersion you should choose either a Battlestaff or Glaive (yes, yes... this monk is Shaolin-inspired). Advantages of each weapons are: Battlestaves - it supplements fists neatly because of late "Pillar of Strength" perk (late because it requires 120 skill) which allows you to strike every enemy in front of you with all regular (non-power) attacks at once while with other heavy weapons you can only do it with sideways power attacks (with "sweep" perk). Also a battlestaff perk "Endeavor" makes every enemy below 50% health take up to 55% more damage. It's nice to fist-beat a Dragon below 50% hp and then finish it with a staff. Glaives on the other hand are single-target but still nice weapons. "Reaper's Gambit" perk makes your glaive power-attacks actually weaker (up to 40%) but also cost up to 60% less stamina. Seems to be quite lame but it goes nice alongside other heavy weapon perks that makes your power attacks better (and there's quite a lot of said perks: "Devastating Blow", "Great Critical Charge", "Sweep" and "Warmaster") which combined with "Champion's Stance" (-25% stamina cost for power attacks) and Light Armor tree perk "Balance" (again - up to -25% stamina cost for power attacks) makes you agile and constantly power-attacking bastard and this is the point where the next glaive perk shows its true power. Said perk is "Reaper's Verdict" and provides you with up to 25% damage boost (for 10 seconds) for every unblocked power attack you land on enemy. Not enough? I forgot to say that this boost does stack. Now count how many power attack you can land within 10 second with all those stamina-cost-reduction I wrote about above. It's quite a thrashing. Speaking of thrashing - if you want to play Dovah Monk as an Orc (or just "heavy monk" of any race) you can also use Longmaces as a weapon. Its perks are: - "Thrash" - attacks with longmaces drains your opponent's stamina up to 8 points per second and slows its attacks down up to 25%. Both effects lasts up to 10 seconds.- "Collapse" - "Thrash" is now reducing opponent's ability to block by up to 50% (additionally to other two debuffs, of course) for up to 10 seconds. Also you may want to exchange Glaive for a Halberd (it's more European so I guess it could suit an Imperial monk) which would give you:- "Judgement" - when you hit an enemy who's currently power-attacking (1st stage of this perk) or attacking at all (2nd stage), you'll knock him down to the ground for 3 seconds. Aside of its obvious usefulness it's designed to use with a second halberd perk:- "Execution" - Standing power attacks with halberds deal up to 100% more damage to the targets affected by "Judgement". Block [b*] - Why is there a *? Because Priest build should only use block with "Staves of Skyrim" mod (there is compatibility patch for SkyRe) that adds sub-tree responsible for blocking with staves (for more mage-like experience and also few nice tricks like turning your staff into fire-spitting tool). There's not much to say about usefulness of this tree - you'll prevent more damage with your weapon or staff (or shield but... monk or priest with a shield?) and you'll be able to do some damage and debuffs with power bashes. Secondary Skills: Destruction [P] - You're a priest, right, but you still have to deal some damage aside from your shouts. There's not much to say - go nuts with this skill tree in any way you like. Sneak [M] - If you like more stealthy approach you'll like this tree. It allows you to render an unsuspecting opponent unconcious and one perk will make your shouts quiet to others so you can FUS-RO-DAH a bastard and his friends in the room next door will have no idea what's coming for them. Alchemy - Alchemy is always helpful. Especially a "Fast Metabolism" perk helps a lot (makes every potion that restores hp/mgck/stm work A LOT faster on you) and poisoning your weapon is a nice addition. Enchanting - Works for both builds and for obvious reasons but Monk will get a little more from it due to his ability to enchant his own fists and - for dualwielding monks - it works neatly with "Elemental Flurry" perk which boosts damage from elemental enchantment on your weapons (as long as you are dualwielding). Races: Nord - for best immersion - Thu'um is a nordic tradition. Also it gives you nice boost to damage dealt the less health you have left and grants you 7-seconds invulnerability with "Last Stand" power. 50% frost resistance helps greatly when dealing with frost dragons (and draugr mages are using mostly [only?] frost spells). Breton - for those who want to play the Priest build. Breton's "Twin Blood Eruption" greatly boosts your casting proficency, making you a true mage. Orc - if you like more heavy approach. Berserk can help you in tough situations due to its increased outcoming damage and reduced incoming damage. Beware - potions are inefficent while you're berserking! Khajiit - for agile and sneaky monks who like to manually dodge attacks in melee ("manually" means running around and jumping like a maniac) due to Khajiit racial speed and jumping boosts. This race also benefits from "Claws" ability which grants you additional unarmed damage (up to 30 with 300 stamina [it gives you +1 dmg for every 10 stamina]). Also - toggleable night vision is always nice to have. Birthsigns: Tower - so you don't have to bother with picklocks and fingersmith. It grants you an unlimited power to open any lock except of Master level. Helps greatly in non-thief gameplay. No downside. Lady - for Monks. Your health and stamina regenerates 50% faster while magicka regenerates 50% slower. Serpent - for really stealth-oriented monks who want to max out their effectiveness in sneak attacks. It makes your sneak attacks 50% stronger but all other attacks are 20% weaker. Still a good deal in my opinion. Warrior [M] / Mage [P] - If you want to skill and lvl up faster. No downside. Items and Effects: - Amulet of Talos - reduces shout cooldown by 10 or 20% (I honestly don't remember).- Talos Blessing - for reduced shout cooldown as well. Reduction is 20%.- Dragonflesh (alteration master spell) - for armor and... yep... reduced shout cooldown by 15%.- Fluent Speeker (speechcraft perk) - for... wait for it... reduced shout cooldown! Up to 30%. With all above you'll be nearly-machine-gun-rate-shouting (insane 75-85% cooldown reduction) Dovahkiin! Favourite enemies: - Kill draugr en masse!- Hunting Dragons is your priority!- Eliminate dragon army officers (dragon priests).- Show those pesky little Thalmor a true power of the Mighty Talos! Send them flying, roast them and smash them! Mods: List of mods going nice with monk/priest build. - Randomized Word Walls - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43409/? - Use this if it's not your first playthrough (and since you're looking for interesting builds for SkyRe I assume it's not). Randomizes location of all (with some exceptions) non-DLC shouts. It's adding really good immersion to play as a Thu'um user, because you will actually have to hunt for those words instead of grinding the vital ones because you know where to find them. - Improved Dragon Shouts - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14353/? - For more balanced (mostly powered-up) shouting experience. Beware - draugr shouts are improved too! Also - shouting followers have the same power-up as you and draugr. Dragons not included (so get some nice mod that makes dragon NASTY beasts as they should be). - You may consider using Dragon Soul Relinquishment - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27531/? - which allows you to trade your collected souls for some improvements at High Hrothgar. Though stat improvements, perk points and (up to some point) shout power upgrades are okay, this mod allows you to reduce your shout cooldown up to 50%! With all cooldown-reducing effects I listed above it will be extremely overpowered (you could actually have NO cooldown on shouts... truly overpowered). Use this only if you are playing some extremely hard combat modes and even then I recommend to disable cooldown reduce for souls (or just don't use it). - Any mods that makes dragon combat (and combat in general) harder. I'm leaving the choice to your taste. - Death Souls - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49294/? - Again - only use if you play on really hard difficulty and can die easily. This mod allows you to spend 1 dragon soul every time you are killed to revive yourself on the spot. It seems to be most well-balanced especially with my builds since they really care about shouts and every dragon soul. While playing other builds I used shouts really scarcely. - Staves of Skyrim - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22691/? - Adds shield-behaving staves to the game and some perks to get that are connected to staves. There is SkyRe compatibility patch in the files. That's it. If you want to try these builds then have fun and SHOUT'EM ALL! P.S: Any grammar mistake was unintentional and I'll be grateful if you point them out because english isn't my native language and I'm still learning. Edited July 21, 2014 by Kubinwielki Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MethosTR Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 (edited) I personally had a ton of fun as a conjuration/illusion "sniper" assassin. Longbows are so delicious in SkyRE :smile: Too bad I can't get the scoped bow pack to work, as I don't have Hearthfire, and the other versions aren't patched by Reproccer. Edited July 17, 2014 by MethosTR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverDragon437 Posted August 25, 2014 Share Posted August 25, 2014 I know this topic is somewhat old, but I have a build I tried out recently that worked out prety nicely. Also tried the engineer, very fun. This build is the Akaviri Berserker. (As a side note, I'd highly recommend the mod "Character Creation Overhaul" , it adds a class system with major and minor skills to skyrim like in Oblivion) Main skills:Heavy WeaponrySpeechcraftLight or Heavy Armor, your choice.AlterationRestorationSmithing This build revolves around using a Nodachi with the butterfly strikes perk, as well as shouts, auras, and armor spells. The butterfly strikes perk increases your attack speed every time you hit an enemy with a Nodachi. You can get up to +50% attack speed this way. Your main shout will be elemental fury, which increases your attack speed even further. By time your attack speed is fully charged up, you will be hitting extremely fast. Use other shouts situationally. I'd also recommend the Thunderchild shout package for more shouts. Auras - as you will barely need magicka, auras will be very helpful and provide a passive buff to help you further. Alteration - Use for armor spells. Armor: Light Armor (Option 1) - Use if you want to be able to move quicker. The higher level perks are also very nice for this build. Heavy Armor (Option 2) - Use if you want to be able to tank more damage. Great against archers which can deal a lot of damage to you before you get to them. Mage armor perks (Option 3) - Use if you don't want to use light or heavy armor. You will be heavily reliant on alteration this way, though. Smithing: For the obvious. You want to be able to improve your weapons and armor as best you can. You will also need smithing perks to be able to create a decent nodachi. If going light armor, use dragonscale for the movement speed bonus. If heavy then I'd probably suggest ebony or daedric. I think the best Nodachi you can make is a daedric nodachi. Speech: You're going to want the shout perks. Faster cooldowns, more effective shouts. Also, if you use the "Achieve that" mod, you can get your shout cooldowns even lower. Wear an amulet of Talos and use a shrine of talos for additional shout cooldown reduction. Better price perks are also nice to have, and the trades of war perk is also essential to making better weapons and armor. Also, keep your weapon unenchanted, or elemental fury won't work. General stratregy: Approach an enemy, shout when necessary, close the distance, and unload fast weapon strikes on them. The counter to this build is people who block a lot, in which case you'll want to use a power attack followed by a few regular attacks. Archers and mages can be dangerous, so make sure to close the distance and evade as fast as you can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gashest Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 Kinda late,but anyways.1) Death KnightMain trees are OneHanded(longswords),Heavy Armor,Destruction(frost),Restoration(plagues),Conjuration(for rising your dead minions). Enchanting is recommendedSimple,fun and extremely powerful at endgame spellsword. I made pale nord with blue eyes and white hair named Arthas Menethil :D. Then enchant your daedric sword with soul catching and rename it to Frostmourne(yes,I know that Frostmourne is twohanded in WoW,but Arthas could fight with one hand in books,because it's a rune-blade. and this is not Oblivion,we can't cast with twohanded.That's actually a shame,would be so OP :D) And go kill everyone around,cause "Frostmourne hungers!".2)Arcane ancher,which was already said.3)Nightblade from Oblivion! Alteration,illusion,lightarmor,stealth,onehanded with a bit of destruction. tonns of fun! Really,casting Rage at the strongest enemy(check it by using instinct) then blast them all with stealth attack with a Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morogoth35 Posted July 1, 2015 Share Posted July 1, 2015 I like to play as a librarian that really doesn't know how to fight at first, so he uses a bow to stay at a safe distance away from his enemies but later he gets more confident and picks up a sword and shield aswell as the bow. It's really fun if you like roleplaying a bit. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorDapper Posted September 7, 2015 Share Posted September 7, 2015 One of the builds I'm most proud of in terms of sheer viability is what I like to call, "The Skirmisher". You boost your DPS to unprecedented amounts with your dual wielding perks and the power of Heroic Voice+Echoing Reason boosted Elemental Fury while moving swiftly around the battlefield in light armor. EQUIPMENT - For your weapons, you'll want to use Scimitars (Unenchanted, unfortunately, since you have to have unenchanted weapons to abuse elemental fury). Ebony Scimitars are technically ideal, but you would have to go up the heavy armor side of the skill tree in addition to the light armor side to be able to smith and maximally improve them, so I go with Glass Scimitars to save perk points and generally look cooler. Perhaps the easiest piece of equiment for this build is the Amulet of Talos. This amulet, in conjunction with the Fluent Speaker perk, will allow you to recharge Elemental Fury before it's effect expires, effectively giving you infinite Elemental Fury. You will want a ring enchanted with magic resistance, as the closest thing to a weakness with this build is ranged assailants. To further counteract this weakness, I elect to go with Glass armor for the Glass Theorem perk's spell absorption chance. I enchant the helmet with boosted movement speed, the gauntlets with boosted light weapons damage, and I haven't enchanted the cuirass or the boots yet, though I'll probably go with fortify health/stamina or something to the effect. RACE - I choose to go with Redguard for this build, as Sandstorm Charge and extra stamina is extremely helpful overall. STANDING STONE - The Tower is of course one of the best standing stones in the game since it allows you to bypass most locks and the whole fingersmithing skill tree. The Lady also is nice since it boosts your Stamina and health regen, and since you don't use magic to begin with, the magika regeneration decrease is negligible PERKS - In the Light Weapons skill tree, you'll first want to pick up Armsman, Bladesman, Dual flurry, and Dual Savagery perks to boost your damage per second. The Dervish Dance perk is absolutely broken in this build, as it boosts the stagger chance with scimitars as long as you are moving. With how fast you attack with this build, you will probably stun lock enemies in a one-on-one encounter. Savage Storm is helpful enough to pick up, but not a priority, and I elect to skip the Florentine perks as I've never noticed them being useful. The smithing tree is pretty self explanatory: 5/5 in blacksmith and work your way up to glass theorem. In Speechcraft, you'll want to pick up Haggling, Fluent Speaker, Heroic Voice, and Echoing Reason for aforementioned reasons. The light armor tree is personal preference; most of it, barring Swift Counter, is useful, but none of it is a priority to the build. You'll want to pick up Enchanter, Defensive Enchanter and Corpus Enchanter in order to craft the aforementioned gear most optimally. PLAYSTYLE - The playstyle of this build is the epitome of simple: Use your Elemental Fury shout and go ham with a combination of dual wielding power attacks and moving standard attacks, rinse and repeat until you've killed all enemies, which should be a brief ordeal with this nigh overpowered build. On a trailing side note, if you're playing with an older version of SkyRe, perhaps because you don't have all the dlcs or something, Heroic Voice will give a 100% boost to Elemental Fury rather then the nerfed Heroic Voice's 25%. This makes the build COMPLETELY OVERPOWERED and absolutely not recommended as it takes any and all challenge out of even the hardest of boss fights Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colemcd123 Posted October 29, 2016 Share Posted October 29, 2016 The barbarian Light armor nord with two handed and bow proficiency http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/11.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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