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how to reset a cell?


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I kinda shrunk my gigantor teddy and I want a new one so I need to reset of the the satcoms (althought I got to kill with raiders again with increased spawns mod , but no pain no gain)


thx for advance


ps I tried already using console to get a copy by using ref id found from the vault, also tried to use setscale to a teddy that didn't work either

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Using SetScale on anything that doesn't have a running AI probably won't have the expected results.


The only sure-fire way that I know of to reset a cell is to leave the cell, wait for 73 hours (or thereabouts), then reenter the cell. This obviously won't work if you are using a no-respawn mod.


However, resetting the cell may not have the desired results. You may really need to load a previous save and go from there.

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