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geck srewing around


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geck works like a charm but when I'm trying to save something, the saves kinda disapper (but I can still edit them in geck) they are not in my FO3 data folder or Oblivion data folder. I can also find shortcut to them via search but they ofcourse don't lead anywhere. I can't even save them in a spesific folder (haven't yet tried to save them to oblivions data folder) These problems started after I reinstalled FO3 and I installed it to the default folder (it used to be in C:/beth/FO3)
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Windows7 or Vista, right?

2 options:


1) install fallout where you want, but not into "Program Files" or

2) disable UAC (User Account Control)


also try to run the geck in admin mode


So I need to reinstall FO3(I got it in Program files)? Where do you disable UAC?

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