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AWOP + MoMod (w/patches) Crashing after....


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So I have been playing with these mods active with no issues until I ran through Primm sewers. After exiting either in primm or toxic cave if I try to go towards mojave outpost on foot, or the NCR camp on the other side of Primm game crashes. However if I avoid doing that awop/momod area nothing happens. So I am wondering if anyone else has encountered similar issues? and if you found a fix?




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Try waiting in interior cell for a week to reset npc inventories and get rid of corpses you have lying about; it could be any number of things, not necessarily specific to awop or momod.


Oh it is I've been testing everything I can and the only fix is disabling MoMod.esm and the patches (removed just those before removing the esm) makes me not crash. So unfortunately it's related to momod. Running it through the ringer with fnvedit checking for conflicts as I type this.



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