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Looking for "questers " to join a Project.


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I'm being so rude.

Some information about me.


Name: Patrick Anlauf

Gender: Male Age: 20

Live in South Brazil

Work and university, also, Fallout 3.


Writer, musician and someday, psychologist.





Adding a MSN and Mail to contact:

[email protected]


Any questions, ideas or offences, sent to here.

I'll be happy to answer.


P.S.: Add on msn if you want too.





I writing a deep and complex story line to a MOD for Fallout 3 from where Broken Steel stoped. (I ingore MotherShip Zeta as something worth to the game story, (maybe I will put an explain for what happened on Zeta, and how it's a delusion from player.))

But doesn't matter now.


What I'm proposing is a joint work from everyone interested (from script workers to voice actors) from the community.


My idea is what I think Bethesda missing. A MOD with two or three main storyline, all linked and a high quantie of side quests where the choices made highly changes the way what things are done.

Where KARMA really inflicts on behaviour of NPCs.




I will put a little piece of the history I have done so far.

If someone looks interested in help me, answer that topic or sent me a mail.

I accept sugestions too.



"When the war between the Brotherhood and Enclave slows down over the D.C. Wasteland, the Enclave High Command (ECM) declare a full scale war on all Brotherhood of Steel throught what remains of U.S.A. even if the D.C. Brotherhood is cut of from main body of it.

Then, the war spread over America with Brotherhood outposts being attacked without warning, but without forces to sustain a campaign in D.C. and receiving the information of destruction of Orbital Strike Command Center (but not how or who have done it, only some desperate field commanders and soldiers reports arrives in, from the assault of D.C. Brotherhood and some new weapons used by it) the EHC chooses to let Wastedland to his own fate (because, even with destruction of OSCC, Brotherhood can't set operations too far from The Citadel, and already can't stock supplies for it because the struggle with Super Mutants.)

((Later the Elder Lyons came to know about this open war by your (Lone Wanderer) reports of it and this will be a Main-Side Quests where he speaks about try to contact Brotherhood outposts and next "near by" main Brother Base by using local Radio Broadcasts Tower, figuring out, after some trys by the player that's impossible due the limited range and need to create a complex set of radio towers and Sat Arrays to do this (here Three Dog enter and Agatha gives to player the manual made by her husband about functionalities of tower and how to link then to improve the transmission).))


And it's only a part, there's a fight for power in Rivet city, now the Doctor Li is gone and (depending of previous choices) Harkness captured by CommomWealth, the mercs have to decided who or how to lead the city.

In this, all security forces are called back to city to protect it from rising tentions.

And this situation comes deep when in one border of map come some war refugees fleeing from battle zones but being pursuid by slavers and player have the choice to protect or kill, betray too, if protect, you lead them for one of the citys, but needing to gain authorization of mayors.


And more..."


Some things that MOD WILL have:


- New Main Characters.

- New Settlers traveling around D.C. and doing things, like hunting, scavenging, well, living or trying to.

- Multiple Story (happening at same time).

- High set on player choices.

- Numerous side quests, going deep in what mod proposes.

- New Weapons and armor. Also enemyes.

- Non linear gameplay with various endings even for the main quests.

- More interactive NPCs. (between the Wasteland and them).




What we need.


* Voice actors.

* G.E.C.K. programmers.

* Scrypt programmers.

* Story writes and revisors.

* Language revisors.

* Sound effects managers.


And so, many more would come.




So, everyone is welcome.


mail: [email protected]

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I'd be happy to help!


I'm rather good with the G.E.C.K. I can create interior cells and mod exterior ones. I and create NPCs. Basically anything in the GECK that isnt scripting or w

quests i could do.


Since this sounds like a big mod, I could create trailers using FRAPS and make a website for the mod. <--- Both of those would be easy.


I can also retexture items pretty well, but I suck at meshing and modeling.


Anyway, if you need anyone, just ask.


OOOH, and im also rather creative. Storylines and plots, I can help with.


EDIT: I suck at voice acting, but my boyfirend could do it. (Though, he has a strange accet. HAHA hes a geordie.) (Gordies are from Newcastle BTW.)

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Wow, much thanks.

So, isn't a problem that you "suck" into voice acting, we could use it too.

I'll write the main storyline (well transcript into english from my home language) then, when finished I'll send you by mail. If you could send me one of course.

So, things begin to grow up.


I'd be happy to help!


I'm rather good with the G.E.C.K. I can create interior cells and mod exterior ones. I and create NPCs. Basically anything in the GECK that isnt scripting or w

quests i could do.


Since this sounds like a big mod, I could create trailers using FRAPS and make a website for the mod. <--- Both of those would be easy.


I can also retexture items pretty well, but I suck at meshing and modeling.


Anyway, if you need anyone, just ask.


OOOH, and im also rather creative. Storylines and plots, I can help with.


EDIT: I suck at voice acting, but my boyfirend could do it. (Though, he has a strange accet. HAHA hes a geordie.) (Gordies are from Newcastle BTW.)

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I'm learning how to work on G.E.C.K...

Reading tutorials and manuals along university books. :P

I don't have deep knowledge of scrypts even working on a LAN House. (This is not my work there.)

I can write tons of stuff from nearly nothing.

Can call people to help me.


In fact, because my lack of deep computacional skills I come to ask for help. If I can get this done by myself, I could have maked a little trailer from the "MOD" I'm proposing to make more interesting to people who want to join.

By far better than just words.


But anyway, any help is appreciated.


Update (more 2 people for voices and 1 for computer things to confirm the participation.).



and what exactly are you capable of doing?




I like to know who I am working for before I start offering to help ;)

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Basically new settlers (they don't need to look very different from actual settler you find in game and some number of main caracters.

Like refugee group leaders, some caracters I pretend to put on Rivet trouble and some in a Schematic I making to Brotherhood (something inside it).

I can't give you a number yet because I'm still doing the story, so, some people will come in and out, depending on how things go and how will be the aceptance throught who will help me.

And I have the idea to, if possible, to introduce some new enemys, monsters, because, whit new problens, diseases.


Anything more I could do?




so, what exactly is going to be in this mod?


not the backstory, but what will actually go on in the game, and what locations and characters are you going to need?

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