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Vampire Lord cape to Dragon priest cloak physics


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Is it possible at all to swap the physics used by the Vampire lord cape with those of th dragon priest cloaks. if you have seen how a dragon priest moves through the air you will notice that when moving the back part of their cloak flows smoothly behind them without clipping or anything but then you have the Vampire lords cape that glitches all over the place i am wondering if it possible for a skilled modder to swap the physics from the glitchy VL cape to act like the Dragon priest's Cloak so it does not gltich, I have also noticed the claok flows through the air when the Dragonpriest is in combat mod (you know ready to attack) and when they are idle their cape is down that would be an awesome feature to have to a vampire lord and give them a true sense of power so when you are in blood magic mode it flows in the air behind you and while you are on the ground it is idle

Edited by tx12001
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