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Mods for Thieves!


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So my favourite thing about Oblivion is that I can turn it into a sort of beta version of my dream game: an open world, free roaming fantasy based stealth/thief game.


I was wondering if anyone had suggestions regarding mods for stealthy and thieving based gameplay. Here's my setup so far:



Changes the prices of almost every piece of clutter in the game to get some sort of profit when you sell them. It's simple and smart. Silver trinkets, crystal balls, and the more "fancy" pieces of decor within homes and whatnot now can fetch a reasonable price.



Well, the fantasy version of them. What would you call that? Alchemists' Magnifying Lenses? Har. Equip the goggles, press and hold the right mouse button, and zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. Handy!



How the hell can I be expected to rob the marketplace blind of all their goods without some kind of completely silly and impractical cloak? Aesthetic purposes only, though I suppose you could mod in some enchantments onto it.



Adds a non-Thieves Guild fence to the Waterfront. He's got a crap load of gold but a high mercantile skill so it makes up for it. Good if you don't feel like joining the guild for a fence. Cool thing is he sells Skeleton Keys and various bows and poo.



This one's a lot more subtle. See, time passes by waaay too quickly in vanilla Oblivion. This makes it pretty difficult when I'm balls deep in Bruma Castle stealing absolutely everything, and I look at the time on the map screen and it's already 5 AM. Now I've got 30 seconds to get the hell out or deal with the guards. This mod scales the passage of time depending on what you are doing. Just standing there? Regular time. Sneaking about and being cautious? Slows it down a bit. Etc.



Changes the prices of precious stones and gems to actually be worth something.



Overhauls the appearance of the Gray Fox, the Cowl of Nocturnal, and his outfit to be more thief-like.



Adds ladders, ropes, banners, and planks to the roofs and buildings of the Market District, along with ceiling entrances to some of the shops.



Changes the spidey-sense of the guards from a 3 mile radius (I'm not joking) to something far more reasonable.



Adds rope ladders and secret tunnels to the cities to allow one to stealthily sneak in and out.



Adds the chance of finding rare treasure and armor in noble homes and things like jewelry, gems, and money in others.



This one kicks ass. It adds lore-friendly vaults to each castle in the game, plus a special vault underneath the marketplace where each shop keeps their money and stashed goods. The keys for the vaults are usually held by someone important (related to that area of course) or hidden nearby. Luckily, it also adds the option of disguising yourself as a guard to gain access to the areas. Very tough but very much worth it.



Adds tools from the Thief series to the game and also modifies guard and NPC behavior to be more stealth friendly and react properly to the effects of the new tools. Adds the blackjack (knock dudes unconscious if you sneak attack them from behind), water arrows (put out flames in castles in dungeons, can also bless them at Holy Water fonts to deal damage to zombies and ghosts), grease arrows (makes enemies trip and knock themselves out), gas arrows (knock dudes out from afar) and rope/vine arrows (these suck, don't use them).


Anything relevant I might have missed? Suggestions?

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