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BF2 not for Vista?


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Hm, I've succeeded playing it in win7. I'm not sure if I did in Vista.

I know what you mean. It will just stop loading at a certain point or crash.

Be sure you've got the latest patch installed and try the XP compatibility mode too.

Xp-compatibility->RightClick BF2.exe, Properties, Compatibility->Run as XP (top-dropdown thing.)

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Hm, I'm not sure. But it might be a combo of things..As I can't remember running it in Vista successfully.

And BElieve me I tried.. Like 6 times spread on a longer period...Win7 just worked..I don't know why...

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BF2 and Special forces and the other addons all work on vista fine if something is crashing it , its not The OS


have a look at your 3D card setting and update it maybe , i have it running great here lol sometimes it runs to fast!

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Yeah, Vista puts a little extra strain on the hardware as opposed to XP. Make sure that your components have enough left over after the Vista drain to run BF2. Also, the BF2 1.50 patch was released a couple of days ago. It seems to add official Windows Vista support, so I would suggest that. Fixes some other errors that might be messing with you to. Make sure you have updated to 1.41, and then try 1.50. It should work; I've been running BF2 on Vista for awhile now with no complaints, and 1.50 made it much smoother. Good luck.



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Ah yes, that's another thing I forgot to mention. Good one, vicICE. On Vista, it is wise to install games outside of the Program Files folder. Doesn't matter where; C:\Games\ is popular. Me, I have a drive in and of itself that I keep games and big applications on, just so problems don't arise as often. Vista can get picky. For my BF2 install, I have it as D:\Battlefield 2\. Do a fresh install in a new location, re-patch, and try again. If that doesn't help, then I don't know what will. Good luck, again. :)



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