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BF2 not for Vista?


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I wouldn't go that far. Have you tried installing it on a different vista computer, with better specifications? This may be difficult to achieve, but if you can it would tell you more. Also, I notice that nowhere on this page you have specified what exactly your system specifications are. Like more than one person said before, your machine may just not cut it. Sure, BF2 is more than a few years old. But it sure packs a punch. If you can't get newer equipment, try disabling Windows Aero, Windows Sidebar, and running BF2 in the crappiest settings possible. Also, while I doubt it will help, DICE released a Patch 1.50 fix that's supposed to allow you to Alt+Tab without crashing. May very well help you out. Good luck, again, again. Maybe I should just stop saying this... :P



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System Information


Time of this report: 9/8/2009, 06:55:54


Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.

System Model: Studio 1737


Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T6400 @ 2.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.0GHz

Memory: 2042MB RAM

Page File: 2277MB used, 2042MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 10

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 6.00.6001.18000 32bit Unicode

Card name: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650

Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.

Chip type: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x9591)

DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591&SUBSYS_02A01028&REV_00

Display Memory: 1274 MB

Dedicated Memory: 509 MB

Shared Memory: 765 MB

Current Mode: 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (61Hz)

Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor

Driver Name: atidxx32.dll,atidxx64,atiumdag.dll,atiumdva.dat,atiumd64,atiumd6a,atitmm64

Driver Version: 7.15.0010.0127 (English)

DDI Version: 10.1

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Driver Date/Size: 11/24/2008 19:31:46, 1626624 bytes

WHQL Logo'd: Yes



heres my system stats, i think it can handle it.

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I manage to run BF2 and Special Forces on Vista 32-bit Home Premium with no issues whatsoever. I never had any issues prior to installing the latest patch, and it's installed to the default directory running in NON-ADMIN Mode.... So honestly, it's not a Vista issue, something's up with your installation or rig.
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  • 2 months later...

Windows Vista, the most annoying computer experience ever.


Your specs should be more than enough to play BF2... Try logging in as another user, almost all of my games can't be played on my old user account for some reason.

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