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Non lethal weapons


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Just wondering if anyone out there knew if any of the following types of weapons are possible or already existed:


I'm looking for weapons that:


Cause an enemy to flee in panic

Change an enemy from hostile to non hostile (possible by changin its faction)

Give a prolonged knockdown effect

Cause massive crippling without HP loss

Send an enemy flying far away

Stun/freeze an enemy for an extended period of time


If anyone can help out, I'd apreciate it, thanks

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this thread has given me an idea for a new weapon.


Life in the wastelands with the constant killing getting you down, you know there is a higher calling but dont know what to do about it.

Sick and tired of having to kill raiders who want to rape and pillage you loved ones only to have the raiders deaths push you to the everlasting torment of your etneral soul?

Well Pray, Pray to the Lord!

Pray to the lord and send us 99.50 in bottlecaps

Upon receipt of this Prayer and bottlecaps the mighty lord shall respond!


Yes, PRAISE THE LORD for he shall respond, and give to you the means of salvation(CURCH ORGAN HYME)

The Convertatron 9000

We have taken the power of the Lord

His Holy Power

We have taken it

and condensed it

His Holy of all Holy Powers

Into a beam of pure godly goodness

Ohh yes Praise the Lord and his goodness!

For by his light and mercy

By His Divine holy supereme divinity!

Shal your foes be converted from the path of darkness into the everlasting light!


The lord shall supply you with a Convertatron in goodfaith, if you use it for evil, acts of control submission and serituide, the lord shall not be held accountable by any court or law of man, if such courts or laws existed, or should such courts and laws ever be created again.

This contact will be enforced with the full power of the lord, unbelivers will be smited!.

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Basically I attached a script to a power fist and called it the Converter. The script had an onhit effect I think. Feel free to download the Jesus mod and have a look as I don't have it on my computer anymore.
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Cause an enemy to flee in panic

I also have wanted to develop a "flee" effect for a couple things, but just haven't had the time to work on it. I was hoping to have both a targeted and area effect. For anyone looking into this, the method used in Tranquility Lane might give you some ideas, but it's very specific and not really suited to adapt for general use.



And the general idea for any new, non-lethal weapons is really great! Good thread :)

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Knockdown-Weapons shouldn't be to hard to make, I guess.

Damage 0 or 1

crit-multiplier 100%

and the VictoryRifleKnockdownSpell (or what it's called ^^)


Or if you want to send your enemies flying take the DLC02KnockdownEffect from the Gauss Rifle :sorcerer: :D

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