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Everything posted by Phoynix

  1. I made a meltdown perk and its working fine except mobs killed by the meltdown chain reactions don't give any xp. As a work around im getting mob level and using that to grant XP for each kill but I would like to call their actual XP value instead.
  2. dont surpose the fights you find easy.. you go and disable the mod and try it without and see how easy it is?

    Mods health levels up with the player even dragons do to an extent.

    Magic was already to powerful early on.. I may need to tweak that.. im wondering if its my mod for low level power of magic.

  3. Getting banned from Nexus(which is actually pretty hard to do) FAIL. Demanding you get unbanned instead of making a new account with a new proxy with your l33t skills. FAIL. Following up your threat with a completely ineffective attack. Using script kiddie tools because you have no actual skill yourself. and Failing... FAIL. LOL Effect and entertainment value for the rest of the internet. PRICELESS.
  4. cleavage Damage would be awesome.... Buxom Female char "Now aint you a big old troll.. you dont wanna hit poor little old me do you?" Leans forwards runs her hands down her body MAXIUM CLEAVEAGE ATTACK. Troll takes 10 CLEAVAGE Damage, stuned for 10 rounds. I also support AOE melee attacks.. infact two handed weapons should do this by default I think.
  5. The Nords Ancestors used to talk with dragons. However as I posted in a new thread it doesnt make much sense lore wise for dragons to attack the Empire.
  6. Dragon facts. Dragons were friendly to Humans, at least the nordic ancestors. Dragons fled to Tamrial to escape the Tsaesci. Dragons have never waged war agasint humans. Trailer statements that conflict with known lore. There defeat was merely a delay...Having never been at war with humans etc.. how could they be defeated.. Akavir means dragon Land In Tamrial written history of the Tsaesci invasinon previously refered to them often as serpent OR dragon people. 2 races who are refrenced with dragons in the ElderScroll universe. Ka Po' Tun a tiger people whos leader surposedly became a dragon(they do intended to invade tameril but havnt previously) Tsaesci who wiped out the dragons.. who attempted to invade the Imperium previously but were defeated. The Skyrim trailer states There DEFEAT was merely a delay... the Tsaesci wiped out all humans on the Akivir continent and apparently intend to do the same for Tamriel, they tried once.. and they were defeated. The Dragons in the Skyrim video may actually be symbolic, not representive. Otherwise Bethdesa decided to IGNORE already established lore.
  7. I made a custom mesh for a scope.. it looks like a reddot tactical scope(with the top part of the weapon attached... the problem with it is, the game crashes if I attempt to equip the weapon that has it on it.. unless. I load an area with a creature with it already equiped, I then kill them take the weapon. Then I can 90% of the time equip it without a crash.. HOWEVER after that if I restart the game I have to load the game where the creature had it equiped, I then have to reload the game I had saved or it crashes.. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e243/Phoynix/ScreenShot59.jpg I also have a second minor problem. I cant get a clip to center properly.. if I move it so its centered its not centered in game till reload, now I used to know how to avoid this but I cant for the life of me remember how.
  8. Also other games are comming out, that can be modded and people are moving on. Me personaly... DragonAge is out soon, and my mod for Fallout were along the lines of experiance for that. I have a total Sci-fi Conversion planed, I have stories design drafts, already written up, been working on it for over a year.
  9. Nice artwork, a masterpeice. you know should have a block and replace on any thread that has the words searching for a mod looking for a mod cant find mod My friend who had a friend, heard from his friends friend, that his uncle, who is now dead, but was alive, had a sister, who had a son, who had a daughter, who played fallout3, who found this kickass mod for fallout3, can you guys help me find it. and replace it with I am why condoms were invented.
  10. if by penetration you ment say fire a sniperrifle and blow though 5 people in a straigh line, yes the game supports this. I have yet to work out how to get a tracer to work with it hower, basicly you have to use a empty projectile file at this point.
  11. lol you had me with the stargate till you said it wasnt a stargate mod :P
  12. Try adding it to the explosive effect the projectile spawns.
  13. I disagree. People in the USA are well people, they happen to in general be educated, nice, thoughtful. Problem is Put them infront of a speach from a member of there govement. There eyes glaze over, get a goofy smile on there faces and lose 100 points off there iq. Case and point example is. Obama unwilling to press charges, telling the US people they must look to the future, talking about the fact Members of US congress(including the last president, members of intelligence agentcies and military personal) Conducted knew about, authorised, or covered up acts of torture, and in some cases that torture even included murder. That many of those tortured happend to be kidnaped off Iraq streets, in one case a Iraqi soldier who had already passed all the intelligence checks to work in the green zone in baghdad got kidnaped because he looked like a terrorist and then murderd by US personal. If anyone actually did look towards the future they would see. The people who conducted these acts, These people.. will no longer be on the lower rungs of the govement, but in the upper reaches. That the friends and families of the people murdered have Reasonable cause to hit Cilvian targets on us soil(under international law citizins of a democratic govement are required to ensure there govement does not violate human rights laws and if they do ensure they are punished) Emotional Drive, having a family member or close friend tortured by someone, and then seeing that someone protected, rather then prosecuted. End result. Less secure USA where more attacks will be targeted agasint the Cilvian population. A USA where the people in charge beleive any action even breaking the law, even murder, is justified to reach a goal even if that goal is nothing more then brutality. Yet Very few americans.. when told to look to the future, would have actually LOOKED, at what president obama was suggesting. Now What happens If those responsible for the crimes agasint humanity and warcrimes in the US govement, were tried and handed over to other countries for trial. 2 Major future threats to the US people will be greatly reduced, many would be terrorists who's only goal was to avenge a loved one would be happy with justice, if it was real justice, and Cilvian lives would be saved. The clearing of the govement from amoral people whould help safeguard the rights freedoms and perhaps even lives of the US people. Currently the US govement is using the US people as a humanshield to protect itself from retaliation for acts that should not have been done by anyone to anyone. IT will then use the retaliation as reason to up the ante to an even higherstate... and in a day and age where thousands of kilos of Weaponsgrade plutonium is missing and in the hands of many groups.. its going to have one and only one ending. Infact I wouldnt be surprised if it happens soon. Apparently US forces killed Osama Bin ladens son. Osama Bin Laden is known to have access to 27 20kiloton nukes, and a underground testing ground in afganastan shows that they have worked out how to bypass the Russian detonation mechinisims. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Which is a rather large problem for me, as an australain previously we were not on a hitlist, now with just 6 of the 20kiloton nukes over half my countries population could be wiped out if they are deployed properly.
  14. You need to install archive invalidation invalidted if you dont that will happen with most mods you install. The pistol works fine on my system... anyone else having trouble with it disappearing and not fireing?
  15. cant comment cant really see anything. you need to take the pictures outside in a bright area.
  16. Lol this thread has given me an idea for a new weapon. Life in the wastelands with the constant killing getting you down, you know there is a higher calling but dont know what to do about it. Sick and tired of having to kill raiders who want to rape and pillage you loved ones only to have the raiders deaths push you to the everlasting torment of your etneral soul? Well Pray, Pray to the Lord! Pray to the lord and send us 99.50 in bottlecaps Upon receipt of this Prayer and bottlecaps the mighty lord shall respond! Yes, PRAISE THE LORD for he shall respond, and give to you the means of salvation(CURCH ORGAN HYME) The Convertatron 9000 We have taken the power of the Lord His Holy Power We have taken it and condensed it His Holy of all Holy Powers Into a beam of pure godly goodness Ohh yes Praise the Lord and his goodness! For by his light and mercy By His Divine holy supereme divinity! Shal your foes be converted from the path of darkness into the everlasting light! The lord shall supply you with a Convertatron in goodfaith, if you use it for evil, acts of control submission and serituide, the lord shall not be held accountable by any court or law of man, if such courts or laws existed, or should such courts and laws ever be created again. This contact will be enforced with the full power of the lord, unbelivers will be smited!.
  17. hmm Skree that never occured to me at all and it does make life far easier for people wanting to add the item. I mean nosisab *SIGH* I even messed up telling him what number it would be in my orginal post if there is 6 mods loaded and its the last one it would be 01... no it would be 06. Lesson is, when yuour tired and got a fever dont go online.
  18. the XX are the mod number. if you had say 6 moad files loaded and it was the last one it would be 01. shameless plug but you can find the rest of the models(the modder used my gun model) here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4470. Its actually a set, cannon rifle and pistol in the same theme. IM actually quite appaled at the number of people that think he made the model, he states quite clearly he didnt. I dont actually mind NOT getting credit, but I dont like someone else getting credit for my work, ive already had one guy PM me about me stealing the WHAT guys model and how much of a lowlife I am for stealing otherpeoples work....
  19. I actually had a quicklook, its actually possible to replace the hammer on the powerfist to be whatever you want without needing to rerig it, which means its actually rather easy to do, you can make it a gun or anything. Im currently in the process of making a protoss type energyblade :)
  20. your done something weird with your nifscope.... turned off all the node axsis and other data under rendering. it should look like this Picture didnt turn out verywell but you can see the projectile node(yellow line) http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e243/Phoynix/pnode.jpg
  21. umm you should... every weapon should have a projecxtile node.... your are actually opening a weapon already say an assault rifle.. and then copying over the mesh in the file with yours? You could technicly make an entire new nif and add all the extra data yourself.. but that takes longer.
  22. the format that fallout 3 uses for models... was that a joke question? :P
  23. you can see where the projectile node is in the nif file and move it so its right at the end of the barral.
  24. Ive been attacked by nightghouls outside before that my entire screen looking down was filled up with ghouls in touching distance of each other and my fps was reduced to sparodic jerks and they just seemed to keep comming.Think around 3 times the entire internal volume of megaton filled up with ghouls. IM not sure if its a bug or overkill but I ended up turning extra ghouls off.
  25. yes the flash is centered from the projectile node..... however you can just move the flash itself if you make a new nif flash file.. just remember y is up(direction the bullet travels down the barral) and the flash runs along y even thou in the nif it seems to be the wrong direction for moving it.
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