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Harabec Weathers

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So recently, I fractured my hand and am not allowed back to work until i get a work clearance, so that means ive had the last few days off and all to myself.

So ive been using my time very wisely and have been vegetating on my computer, gaming like theres no tomorrow. Sadly though, because i fractured my left hand, im limited to RTS games sine i cannot use WASD movement.


Amoung all the RTS games i have, I grabbed Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars and started that baby chugging.


I have to admit, if you have never played this game, you are missing out on the best game sound track i have ever heard.


Now ill explain what i mean.

This song


is the music that is playing when you first arrive to the place known as Dun Mora. This song is short, less than 3 minutes.

When i first learned of the lore surrounding Dun Mora, and the struggle and sadness that the elves are pressed with, combined with this flawless piece of music...i kid you not i almost started crying.

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