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Wrye Bash WITH NMM?


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Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I really just need the question answered as asked :blush:

Oh I get it. Just shut up and answer the question then, right? Ok. Your answer = don't use NMM for Oblivion. It has too many bugs with how the Oblivion engine works in regards to Mods. If you want to continue using it, by all means do so, but I don't think you're going to find someone who uses both NMM and WyreBash.


And just for information, you need WyreBash to create the Bash Patch which makes a lot of mods play nice together. So more than likely when a mod says it needs WyreBash, it's probably because of this.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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NMM and Wrye Bash cannot be compared, nor can one be used in place of the other.


NMM downloads and installs/manages your mods and your load order. That's it.


Wrye Bash cannot download, but it can also install/manage your mods and your load order.

But from all that Wrye Bash really can do, this is just a fraction. It isn't called the swiss army knife tool for Oblivion modding without a reason.



And I copy the notion that many Oblivion mods simply cannot be installed through NMM, because their folder structure was created long before the manager even became an idea, and their authors are long since gone and cannot update their mods to make them understandable for the manager now. The NMM can only understand a pretty basic structuring without any options or alternatives, unless you provide a special install info file to make it understand what 'is' an option.

Old or dated Oblivion mods are far more complex and full of user choice feature selections, and of course there's especially no install info for NMM included now, as the NMM back during their creation time simply didn't exist, yet. Thus it can't understand their folder design and fails installing all the files correctly.


OMODs and OMOD-ready mods especially raise a big warning sign, as do BAIN-ready packages. The BAIN structuring makes no sense to NMM, and the OMOD installation data in the former, if it contains OMOD installation scripts, will be mistaken for FOMOD installation data and the manager will throw an error the first OMOD script function it encounters, as it doesn't know these.

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  • 9 months later...

When it comes to Oblivion, I use a complex (at first) juggling act to repackage and install mods.

I can't launch the game through Mod Organizer (steam version...haven't found a working workaround yet, despite multiple 'try this...' attempts), but I use MO for the initial mod download and repackaging as this keeps them neat, tidy, shows what files in other mods are being overwritten, and doesn't mix their files in with other mods/the base folder.

When it comes to .omods, I use OBMM -but- with a caveat. I launch it through Mod Organizer after (1) making sure that my MO's Overwrites directory is empty and (2) after making sure that NO other mods in Mod Organizer are active. I install just the single mod in OBMM, exit that, go back into Mod Organizer, and right-click Mod Organizer's Overwrites directory, choosing 'create mod'. Once the mod is created, I exit Mod Organizer, go into Windows exploere, go to my MO mods directory, and duplicate the newly created mod folder. After that, I go back into MO, make sure that only the duplicate is checked as active (keeping the original safe) and then I go back into OBMM (via Mod Organizer) and uninstall the mod in there to keep OBMM from erroring out should I decide to stop using that mod in the future and zap it in some other way. Because OMODs often have different options, I leave them inactive in OBMM in case I want to repeat this process to change the options at a later date.

Once I'm sure that all of my mods in MO have the right file folder structures, etc., (by doing either manual installs or fixing the structures by hand post-install) and tidy things up to my liking (like moving docs/screenshots/whatever to a sub-folder), I then right-click on each mod in MO, choose 'Open in Explorer' and select JUST the files and folders I need the mod to install (ignoring the /documents folder, meta.ini, etc.,) and 7Zip them into an NMM or Wrye Bash-ready zip file which I then drag/drop (or whatever) into NMM or Wrye Bash for actual final installation.

After all of that, I close the mod manager, run LOOT, and then run Wry Bash to rebuild my bashed patch for play.

A bit 'complex' at first, I know, but short of repackaging other people's mods and uploading them (which is a no-no w/o permission from the author, btw), it's a working fix for me in my book. ;)

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Boy, and I thought my "manual install except for a few mods through BAIN" was complex (I keep an "Installed Mods" folder up-to-date with my installed mods, as installed, including replacers and BAINs, each by mod name).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just download a bunch (~150) of mods from Nexus, drop them into Wrye's "Oblivion Mods/Bash Installers" folder. I 'package' bare .esps into simple folders, and separate out the few OMODs into OBMM's "mods" folder.


Then I just install from Wrye, switching over to OBMM at appropriate times to install the OMODs. At the end I sort with BOSS, make the Merged Patch and enable all the mods, run TES4LL and TES4LodGen, and play.


I can't fathom why I would ever use NMM, and I've never even heard of MO...

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