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Strange disappearing shadows glitch


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So I have just recently modded the ever-living crap out of Oblivion, pretty much replacing every texture there is in the entire game and installed Boris's ENB (latest version) with the nice effects. I have a pentium i7 with windows 8.1, NVIdia geForce gtx 770 card. Everything looks amazing, I honestly had no idea that a game this old could look this good.


However I have a very annoying shadow issue that I can't un-notice. They just keep flashing/flickering when I rotate the camera around... It's hard to explain exactly, so I recorded an example:




This is merely one example, but it generalizes everywhere. Evening, daytime, broad daylight... All shadows do this, everywhere. Even when there isn't necessarily a large shadow, it is still noticeable on most textures as I am moving around in the world. I generally play in third-person camera mode and I move the camera around quite a bit as I get a beat on my surroundings, even if it's just to admire the scenery.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated... thank you!

Edited by Dahveed
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I to had the same issue and I was able to resolve this by changing the following shadow settings in the enbseries.ini from "true" to "false".


For example:
This should fix the flickering shadows in the game... it did in mine.
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What Carah wrote is true.

But what you can try to do first is to disable some of Oblivions standard shadows in the option menu (Self shadow, Shadow on grass, shadow filtering and so on). The game will then not need to work with two pair of "shadows" from two differnt light systems. Ive myself not bothered to fiddle around that much, I need all the fps that I can get :D, so if you find a good solution. Please write here.


Will post a clip asap

Edited by astrob0y
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But what you can try to do first is to disable some of Oblivions standard shadows in the option menu (Self shadow, Shadow on grass, shadow filtering and so on). The game will then not need to work with two pair of "shadows" from two differnt light systems.


I hadn't thought of that :facepalm: I hated disabling the shadows in the INI... it broke the ambiance of the enb. I will definitely try disabling the shadows in-game instead. Thank-you astrob0y. :thumbsup:

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