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Sniper scope crosshair color


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I've been looking around for a replacement for the default sniper scopes which accents the targeting lines with something other than black. So far I haven't found anything that does this so if anyone knows of a mod that does, or would be willing to make one, I'd be very grateful.


It gets very hard to see where I'm shooting when I'm skulking around in the dark and take aim at something hiding out of light. I can see my target well enough to tell where it's head is, but the targeting lines get lost in the darkness. If the lines in the sniper scope had a green/blue/red line accenting the existing one you could at least tell where the center of your sight was. :)


Currently I am using the Hunterscope mod which adds a scope to the Ol'Painless unique rifle as well. I think it uses a different scope than the sniper rifle. (perhaps from the .44 handgun?)


I can upload a screenshot later if it would help explain the problem, but I'm sure anyone sniping at night has had the same issue.




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