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Cheat/Console Command UI


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What I was thinking is there could be a type of favorites menu, kind of like the one in SkyUI, but with categories. Some categories would have sub categories, to keep everything tidy. Inside those would be buttons, that basically use the console itself. Seems kind of pointless, but no more crashing Skyrim by trying to Alt Tab back to the page with the codes, no more straining your memory for that sweetroll spawncode, and it would cut a LOT of time because it instantly types everything for you. Map makers could use it to populate their creations with items/npc's/buildings with a few clicks(or key presses, if theres keybinds!), it'd be fun to mess around with it and create a personal mudcrab army in a few seconds

For example


Items (main category)


Add to Inventory (sub category)

All (has no item filters)

Weapons(weapon only items filter

Armor(armor only items filter)


Spawn infront of camera (sub category)

All (has no item filters)

Weapons(weapon only items filter

Armor(armor only items filter)


After that could be models (houses, walls, etc), stat modifications, etc.

Really, all somebody needs to do is develop the UI, the buttons would be easy as they're just copying and pasting the command into the console.

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