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What is the filename of that idle animation?


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Fore was right though, FNIS is a good way to try these anims on your character.


Now I see the animation you mean, I'm not sure I have ever seen it played on a male actor in game (is this a custom follower?), but it's for sure an NPC idle, I'm not sure it can be used on the player.


It's just a guess from taking a look at the animations Vanilla files, but there's a possibility it could be either one of mt_idlelookinga.hkx, mt_idlelookingb.hkx or mt_idlelookingc.hkx.

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I replaced mt_idlelookinga - mt_idlelookingd and all the other animations that has mt_idle in the file name. That animation and the one with hands on the side still plays but I see it very rarely now. No he is not a custom follower, he uses the same animations as the normal inhabitants of skyrim, except he is a follower.

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The file you are (or should I say "were" or "still am") looking for is in the animations.bsa file and it is called "wall_soldier_idlehandsonhipsloop.hkx" ( It's the one the guards use, hence wall_soldier.) I'm not sure if the follower in the above image is using a slightly different version of this idle or not. It might be though cause this wall_soldier idle looks like the character stands a little more straight and taller, the follower looks to be in more of a "relaxed" version of the idle. Anywho....The only reason I am replying in this old topic at all is so that maybe other people who randomly find this topic see this, and also on the off chance firepower02 see's it I guess. I was also one who was wondering what the name of this animation file was until I looked in Skyrim's animations.bsa and found it. If you wanna use it for your own character you can just rename the file to mt_idle or maybe if you use one of those mods that allows multiple idles (randomidleanimation, play random idle) just rename it to whatever that mod tells you to have the files named as.


EDIT: The names of the "relaxed" versions of that idle animation are mt_idlehhleftidle.hkx and mt_idlehhrightidle.hkx

Edited by Basketballdude48
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