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Explodable torsos


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Everyone knows that you can blow people's heads up, and their limbs and everything. I find it unrealistic that you can put one hundred rounds into a super mutant's chest and it will still just sit there. I want to spray a mutant with a minugun and have them explode into mush, but torsos ain't explodable so I can't.


I dunno if this would be simple or not, but I'd really like someone to make this.


Cheers, Toasty

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Indeed, if they put more work into the bloody mess perk, made it so that heads always exploded but nothing else did (rather than heads sometimes explode but other times are just severed) it would work alot nicer, and if you used a weapon with a high ROF/automatic weapon, it could have a special animation ALA Fallout 1 and 2 where the head, chunk of torso (not even the whole thing) and arm gets blown off as the enemy reacts to the force of each shot.


in Fallout 1 and 2 Bloody mess didn't change what gory deaths were possible, just made it so that whenever you killed someone they were always in the goriest way possible for that weapon.


I miss cutting people in half with a laser though, disintegration can be fun but, this ain't Star Trek.

and Disintegration was the best when it was the Pulse weapons since they made a crackling static sound reducing skin to black ash leaving a skeleton with hair standing on end and in a horrified/pained pose, followed by the skeleton falling into a pile of black ash. like the origin of Dr. Manhattan in the trailer from Watchmen (though in the film itself the scene is much more graphic)


also the Plasma gooify thing isn't nearly as gory as it was in Fallout 1 and 2,


it was like someone looked into the ark of the covenant in that only worse, skin melted off and muscle got liquefied before that was done, and bone became rubbery like jello, happening in layers. the pile of goo wasn't glowing green, it was just a puddle of organic material.


though if I could model 3D stuff I would add in Tons of Dominion War era stuff, including Jem Hadar/Klingons with Super Mutant voice sets and tactics :P

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