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Quick question regarding houses in oblivion


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i was just wondering can u place new furinture useing the console? like place.item 00089a80 infront of player sort of thing or no? I thought i read somewhere that u could but i formatted my computer a few days ago and i forgot to back up my fav's :/.


(been looking alot on google and no luck)



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I don't think there are console commands for rearranging furniture. If you are a bit of a modder, you can decorate your house in TES CS.


I haven't actually tried it myself, but I have heard that there is a good mod for rearranging your furniture.


It is called "Furniture Rearranger" and is found on TES Nexus.


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Console Command: player.placeatme (Object FormID) (Value)

However, to rearrange it, you should use 'setpos (x/y/z) (value)' command, if you don't use mod like 'Redecoration'.


**Putting object anywhere can cause weirdness of NPC movement.

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That is a good point about the weird NPC movement. One way to fix that, would be to place all your furniture using the Construction Set, and then adjust the grid-pathing. (It isn't as scary as it sounds.)
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