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My recent art


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After looking at all of your pics, I had to do a double take, and studied them for a second time.

You're talent is remarkable, and epitomizes the meaning; a picture is worth a thousand words. You seem to embody the rare instance when a person's external beauty reflects the hidden talent within...


You really think so? Rarely do people ever say such things, and it means a lot. Every one who has replied on this thread have said things that mean a lot to me, for that matter. That's part of the reason why I even bother to upload my art here. Not to be fishing for compliments or anything, but, its hard for an artist to find an audience that really appreciates their work, especially when she's a busy mom and wife just trying to get through life here and still finding time to do a few pieces of artwork. Big hugs and kisses to you all!


Here's a new one.



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I made this one today, however, I don't like the way it turned out. It seems that the outline of her head makes the entire image seem unconvincing. I can't figure out how to fix it.



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Hello kungfubellydancer, I'm here again... as we could see the outline of her head is a little too marked and hairs have a strange "glossy" look with the smoke effect in the background, you can fix it and have a more realistic look by adding a filter's effect like "support > sandstone" for example, it modifies your framework by adding a canvas like effect. You must use the effects parsimoniously as they distort colors and contrast... I must tell you that your picture on post #35 is an amazing one, very well done, very sensual and beautiful. I love your works. :thumbsup:
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