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Girl Gamers


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Dezi, he might just be the one I'd fight you for!


But then, something can be said for sharing as well...

O.O Oh my... There's no need for fighting girls. Especially over me... I'm sure we can work something out...
indeed sister,there is! :whistling:

:woot: A "game" party is starting! Girls vs Boys! But two against one... No chances for us on the paper boys... But with "positive focussing"... Let me coach you my friend! (Lol) :biggrin:

I welcome your insight my friend - I still have a lot to learn, I'm just a kid for crying out loud. :S

The deal is not to win, but to play the best we can... with esteem... and fun!


And we love to play! (This is still about video games, right?)

I think... yes.. no, wait I'm sooooo confuzzledededed @.@!!! I think this thread will be closed soon... we're getting way off topic... :ermm:

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Girl gamers are way lots betterer than everybody elses in the hole wide world!


There... back on topic now!

LMAO, you made my night Herc! ;D And I agree you all are. I think the gaming industry - and anywhere else where men have mainly dominated the workforce for centuries - is better off with women than with men. And I'll gladly work alongside women any day. :happy:

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LMAO, you made my night Herc! ;D And I agree you all are. I think the gaming industry - and anywhere else where men have mainly dominated the workforce for centuries - is better off with women than with men. And I'll gladly work alongside women any day. :happy:

The only videogame that I've knowingly played which was written by a female was King's Quest VI, written by Roberta Williams (co-founder and former co-owner of Sierra Games). One of the better puzzle RPG's I've played, and I remember it fondly.

Not all involvement of women in the Gaming industry has been benign; the example of Lorraine Williams at TSR Inc. is a great tale of mismanagement ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TSR,_Inc. ), but gender had nothing to do with the poor business decisions she made... refusal to listen to one's customer base is poor policy.

Regardless, nothing wrong with females in the gaming industry; keyboards don't care about chromosomes.

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There may not be many female company CEOs in the video game industry, but if you look at the credits for just about any game you play these days you'll discover that many women are involved in the industry.
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Dezi, he might just be the one I'd fight you for!


But then, something can be said for sharing as well...

O.O Oh my... There's no need for fighting girls. Especially over me... I'm sure we can work something out...
indeed sister,there is! :whistling:

:woot: A "game" party is starting! Girls vs Boys! But two against one... No chances for us on the paper boys... But with "positive focussing"... Let me coach you my friend! (Lol) :biggrin:

I welcome your insight my friend - I still have a lot to learn, I'm just a kid for crying out loud. :S

The deal is not to win, but to play the best we can... with esteem... and fun!


And we love to play! (This is still about video games, right?)

Video games and girl gamers,thats what I'm talkin about! :closedeyes:

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I don't understand what's with all the fuss about girls playing video games. When I walk into a place where people play video games(I don't know how you call it, but I think you know what I mean), I see only gamers there, boys and girls.


The image you posted is a joke. People make jokes about anything. Even if we consider ourselfs as more open minded than our ancestors, we can still make silly jokes and laugh.

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Video games and girl gamers,thats what I'm talkin about! :closedeyes:

... and so is the way I understood it, sweet Lady :happy:, my apologies if I fooled someone. That's why I spoke about "positive focusing". You friends known my position as I've explained it on previous posts: "girls and boys are equals, but differents" and I just wanted to share it with anybody, rob_b was here as an example of conclusion, showing us a way to share our passion.

I'm not used with posting in internet forums and well experienced with online games, just sometimes in private Lan party with my friends as yet. Sorry, I look like a prehistoric man and must be more careful with words then. :confused:


Girls gamers rocks! And Boys too, sorry Herculine (Lol). :P


Our perseption of the world is changing deeply now with internet, things are going very fast in your life today, too fast sometimes, and new ideas are shared all upon the world. New generations must grow with them now, and accept this fact: video games are not the men's monopoly!


A beautiful picture I found on the net by googling "Girl gamer", here The link, enjoy it!



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Video games and girl gamers,thats what I'm talkin about! :closedeyes:

... and so is the way I understood it, sweet Lady :happy:, my apologies if I fooled someone. That's why I spoke about "positive focusing". You friends known my position as I've explained it on previous posts: "girls and boys are equals, but differents" and I just wanted to share it with anybody, rob_b was here as an example of conclusion, showing us a way to share our passion.

I'm not used with posting in internet forums and well experienced with online games, just sometimes in private Lan party with my friends as yet. Sorry, I look like a prehistoric man and must be more careful with words then. :confused:


Girls gamers rocks! And Boys too, sorry Herculine (Lol). :P


Our perseption of the world is changing deeply now with internet, things are going very fast in your life today, too fast sometimes, and new ideas are shared all upon the world. New generations must grow with them now, and accept this fact: video games are not the men's monopoly!


A beautiful picture I found on the net by googling "Girl gamer", here The link, enjoy it!

cool.I own the civilian version of the weapon she holding. Games,guns,girls,kinda go together, at least for me!

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