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Is there a mod of?


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Is there such a mod where I can change my race, face, tone, gender, and hair in a existing character without reseting my stats and skills?


I know in console commands you can type "showracemenu" but it isn't helpful if it constantly resets my stats and skills.


If you could send me the link of such mod that would be most helpful







Psycho Icon.

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Is there such a mod where I can change my race, face, tone, gender, and hair in a existing character without reseting my stats and skills?


I know in console commands you can type "showracemenu" but it isn't helpful if it constantly resets my stats and skills.


If you could send me the link of such mod that would be most helpful







Psycho Icon.


Well I know that there is a mod for changing hair while in-game like a barber shop. Search a bit on tesnexus and you'll find it, about the other ones I have no idea

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The reason your stats are reset when using showracemenu is because you seem to be clicking DONE when your finished tweaking.


"You can make changes to the character while playing the game by going into the console (~) and type "showracemenu" without the quotes.

Once you're happy with the changes, DO NOT click on the DONE button, instead, hit the ESC key to bring up the game menu and save the game. Then load the save game. This is the safe way to exit the console without messing up your character's stats."

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