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Fallout 3 Nvidia 3D Vision Front Plane Removal Mod Request


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I use the Nvidia 3D Vision Kit to play Fallout 3.

The game looks amazing, but one feature is missing:

except for (slightly) the pip boy 3000, nothing else comes out of the screen.

Searching on the net, I noticed that games have a sight of view for the camera which choose what to render and what not. The Volume is determined by side planes, the back plane, which determines the farest objects rendered, and the front plane, which determines the nearest objects to render.

What I'm asking is if exists, or someone is thinking about or even if it is possible, a mod which allows the engine to render objects nearer the default's front plane, but keeping the z-value informations which are somewhat used by 3D Vision to create the stereoscopic view.

I'm pretty sure that the solution is to change the rendering allowing it when objects are nearer than the front plane, because, for example, when talking to Mr. Handy Robots their "arms" go "out" of the screen, but not getting them rendered allows me to see actually through them, with a "visual glitch". The same is if i play with free camera and try to go through people or objects.

Obviously the greates improvements would appear in battle, when blood and missiles would reach right your face :).


Oh, and, for those asking, the kit is perfectly capable by itself to make objects go out of screen, as visible with the stereoscopic test nvidia made.


So, does exist something which allows this?



I found a link which shows pretty well what I'm talking about:

Example of Clipping Plane

the bottom image shows a cylinder cutted by a clipping plane. What happens in the game is that this plane is placed at monitor-level, but I would like to know if there is a work-around to let this plane be placed nearer to me than monitor level.



This is a page of the G.E.C.K. talking about planes:

Occlusion Culling

In the page is cited the "front clipping plane" so maybe something is possible to obtain with the G.E.C.K.?

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1st off I don't have the 3d vision kit so what I suggest may or may not work.


in your fallout.ini In your user documents (C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 -Vista )


there are some FOV settings that might help.


try changing the values of..








don't foget to backup the ini first though


And welcome to the Nexus.

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1st off I don't have the 3d vision kit so what I suggest may or may not work.


in your fallout.ini In your user documents (C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 -Vista )


there are some FOV settings that might help.


try changing the values of..








don't foget to backup the ini first though


And welcome to the Nexus.


Thanks for the reply and the greetings.

The FOV - Field Of View - actually changes the angles of the side planes of the "view frustum": a greater fov will allow a greater angle of vision. I instead, want to change the front clipping plane (FCP) of the frustum. The back plane is essentially determined by the Distance LOD, but I don't know anything which allow to manipulate the FCP.

It's very possible that anything like this as been never asked about, because in classic 2D view it's absolutely natural to place the FCP at monitor level, representing the "eyes" of the camera, so there is no need to render anything behind it. But, whit stereoscopy, the actual eye-level is not anymore the monitor level, but the glasses-level, so the rendering should take this into account and change the FCP to be "nearer to me" than the classic FCP. Sorry if I'm a bit confusing, i think that the links I posted explain far better than me what a clipping plane is, and I just want to know if it is possible to create a mod which allow to manipulate:

  1. Clipping Plane, allowing to change it with a slide;
  2. Parallax, with wich I mean the ability to change the z-value with user defined offset, so everything could be rendered nearer or further than what actually generated by the driver

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You know, I actually thought of this, and wondering if it was possible. Good luck to whoever attempts this.


Well, something should be possible, from what I read on the net regarding 3D Vision, it uses "W values" and the "screen_depth":

Nvidia PDF on 3D Stereo

On the other side, I read about Gamebryo:

"The APIs include multiple culling and sorting techniques that reduce CPU usage by drawing only visible objects"

Gamebryo Website


If someone has some suggestion on how to access to this API with fallout I could try something, although I'm totally inexperienced. I thought that if someone was able to make FOSE, for example, manipulating the exe/dlls, maybe it was possible to find the particular value of screen_depth and be able to change it with a new-made command

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