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New to modding


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Hi guys this my first post ever, on this forum. Anyway I'm really new to modding i play my Elder scrolls games on the console. However since i lost my TES 4 I decide to download on my PC via steam,and play it, but this time play with it some mods. I have been having some issue mods not working and such and since i'm such a newbie at this I could really use some friendly advice and tips form vet who had done this before. Thank for any help guys.

Edited by carlax17
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First off, modding on Steam has some issues to work around but rest assured that it can be done. I'd like to suggest using the opportunity to get you started on the right foot. If your computer is running Vista, Win 7 or Win 8 the default location that Steam and thus Oblivion gets installed can cause problems. Windows security feature UAC can interfere with mods if you install Steam and then Oblivion in C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files. The simplest and recommended method of dealing with it is to just install Steam and thus Oblivion to C:\Games ... this will then move the game outside of UAC's protection/interference. Use Oblivion reinstall procedure to guide you through doing that. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location.


Next I'd advise running through the tutorial dungeon with a completely vanilla game before installing any mods. At the point near the end of the tutorial when you can just see the sewer exit in the distance make a save. Always use either the save from the Esc menu or using the console save command (I call those named saves) and never overwrite saves. Quicksave is a known corrupter of save files, so avoid it. The save from before the sewer exit will be made before you get the character finalization menu. You'll use this save in the future if you ever decide to create a new character but don't want to redo the entire tutorial dungeon.


Next exit the sewers and make another save (again never overwriting). You'll use this save after you've got your base mods installed to continue your game. Now head to the Market District in the Imperial City. If you have any performance or visual issues make adjustments to the game settings. In the Market District make another save. This save will be used for testing mods.


Now start adding mods one at a time, testing thoroughly in between using your Market District save. I suggest learning to install mods manually at first. It will give you a good understanding of how mods are installed, which will come in handy down the road when troubleshooting mod install problems when/if you start using a mod organiser like Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash. I'd suggest starting with some simpler to install mods (leave the FCOM type stuff for after you get your feet wet). Get in the habit of reading the mod description and mod comments. Start out with mods that have clear install instructions and that don't have too many unresolved issues reported in the mod comments. If you have any questions feel free to post them here, including a link to the mod in question.

Edited by Striker879
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