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as a foreigner, I put several reasons why peoples don't like americans

the french helped americans in creating their country, americans call them "coward" in return after wwii, the chinese paid enormous sacrifice standing aside americans to fight against Japanese empire and afterwards being treated like dog ...

so on and so forth


You forget the aid given to Europe after WW2, known as the Marshall Aid,

and many EU contries have black spots in their history too

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Some peeps seem to of drifted its not so much "Is America stupid?" as "Why do people think America is stupid?"


American friendly fire is perhaps the most tragic of these such as in Iraq; you managed to hit a British tank with British soldiers wearing British gear, I also think they had a British flag but that might of been the news embellishing stuff.


Bush, Palin and Quayle can't of helped too much to your image either.


Patriotism sometimes overlaps with lunacy such as stereotypical hillbilly "I need ma guuun to be a proud ameerkin!"

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as a foreigner, I put several reasons why peoples don't like americans

the french helped americans in creating their country, americans call them "coward" in return after wwii, the chinese paid enormous sacrifice standing aside americans to fight against Japanese empire and afterwards being treated like dog ...

so on and so forth


You forget the aid given to Europe after WW2, known as the Marshall Aid,

and many EU contries have black spots in their history too


This, and the fact that almost 200 years passed between the Revolutionary War and WWII; the US can't be indebted to France for THAT long... and besides, the French were the indimidation factor, not the dirt and grit and blood part. That was us. Once Mr. Franklin was able to persuade the French for aid, Britain pretty much said "Aw crap...." and gave up. But the French would never have helped us if they didn't think we could win, and wouldn't until we turned the tide against the British, which, we did. But America and Britain are good buddies now...lol.

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as a foreigner, I put several reasons why peoples don't like americans

the french helped americans in creating their country, americans call them "coward" in return after wwii, the chinese paid enormous sacrifice standing aside americans to fight against Japanese empire and afterwards being treated like dog ...

so on and so forth


You forget the aid given to Europe after WW2, known as the Marshall Aid,

and many EU contries have black spots in their history too


This, and the fact that almost 200 years passed between the Revolutionary War and WWII; the US can't be indebted to France for THAT long... and besides, the French were the indimidation factor, not the dirt and grit and blood part. That was us. Once Mr. Franklin was able to persuade the French for aid, Britain pretty much said "Aw crap...." and gave up. But the French would never have helped us if they didn't think we could win, and wouldn't until we turned the tide against the British, which, we did. But America and Britain are good buddies now...lol.



I doubt that americans could get their indipendence without french army.

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Patriotism sometimes overlaps with lunacy such as stereotypical hillbilly "I need ma guuun to be a proud ameerkin!"


Isn´t that a stereotype view too? They do got others tha Hill Billy´s in US.

Take a look in contry regions around Europe, and see what you find there.

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I doubt that americans could get their indipendence without french army.


Why don't you ask the French if they'd like to be responsible for the independence of America? Based on what I've read in this thread, doesn't sound like it'd be hard descision. We have the Statue of Liberty to remind us of the French. And that's about it.

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Patriotism sometimes overlaps with lunacy such as stereotypical hillbilly "I need ma guuun to be a proud ameerkin!"


Isn´t that a stereotype view too? They do got others tha Hill Billy´s in US.

Take a look in contry regions around Europe, and see what you find there.


I actually agree thats why I said stereotype, probably didn't make myself clear :(. What other people believe to be indicative of an entire group of people.


That was us. Once Mr. Franklin was able to persuade the French for aid, Britain pretty much said "Aw crap...." and gave up. But the French would never have helped us if they didn't think we could win, and wouldn't until we turned the tide against the British, which, we did.


Actually it was more "Screw them, we have the rest of the world to rule!". I'm fairly certain the Spanish helped you too.


To the French being called cowards, thats gratitude for you.

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Once in a while the trial about Michael Jackson´s doctor turns up, also on DK TV.

Looking at the crowd outside the court, hearing them shouting, guilty, dead to him,

put him to prison, etc.

This hole scenery reminds me of the good old western days at a lynch party.

You call the hangman, you call the priest, and then the judge, just pro forma to confirm

the hanging.

Don´t forget the man is innoncent untill proven otherwise.

This scenary is seen more often in US, than elsevwhere, I think

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I don't know if asking why americans are apparently "thick" I mean, this most likely will cause arguments. But, I suppose it's because americas previous president wasn't too smart so people think many americans are "thick".

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As a summary of prior postings in regards to the OP, humans are pretty "thick" across the board no matter which side of the invisible borders they are on. In America however, we just have more cameras and free speech to show them off...it is called entertainment here.



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