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@Lepus: You just felt bad and we should understand that. I not going to judge someone for a single post he/she made. So take it easy from now on... and if you are ever pissed about something remember that there's a "RANT TOPIC" at The Lounge here at nexus, so you can say all that bothers you there without having to get any unwanted attention. ;)


The rant thread! - LINK!





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America just happens to be an open society where things are not really hidden and so everybody (around the world), gets to see your "stuff" your dirty washing that you hang out, like your political fights, etc. .... the difference is that if the other countries did the same they'd look no different perhaps worse because we hide our crap, so it must be worse ..... Nah, you're cool .....


Bad mouthing yourself doesnt help either though ....

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What is "normal" to me, might seem crazy to a fellow american, and vice versa.

We act in different ways in different contries, this is our sovereignty.

I say hurray, for that, and thank the maker for this forum, that gives us the possibillity

to make us know eachother better.


(LOL Last line is not good. Could you americans at least find an easier language?)

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As an American I say that some Americans are stupid... Most, perhaps...


However, some of us realize this, and even make fun of our own perceived (and in some cases actual) stupidity.


This is a song by Jonathon Coulton, in concert in London.


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