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Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots? Don't come back with a clever comment that points out my spelling or grammar and any of that asorted bs. I don't revise anything I'm typing because I don't find it very important on forums. Just give me your honest opinion.


- The genocide of native-americans.

- The hypocritical foundations the country is built upon... They have a "No Smoking"-sign on the statue of LIBERTY!

- The poor leadership.

- The Constant global interferance.

- The "We're number one"-complex.

- The general discriminative perspective towards certain religions and faiths.

- The constant bad jokes about Europe >_>.



America is indeed idiotic, but it's people may not carry as a substancial label.


Every one of those can be countered.


Native Americans at that time were not viewed as "human" per say, this is a horrendous belief yes, but it was the belief of many. INCLUDING the Europeans.


No smoking near the statue of liberty because its how old? And smoke is something that damages things am I correct? I believe thats why people don't smoke in their houses... Although it is true that some things are hypocritical (If I want to kill myself with heroin why cant I?), All countries have these same basic laws. No drugs, no public lewdness ect. and those are to "help" the people.


Every country has poor leadership at one time or another -_- look at Gordon Brown for instance (and if you like him that raises another fair point, what one sees as "poor" isn't "poor" to another)


The complex thing... What country doesn't think that they are the best..? I don't see how you can apply this to America without applying it to multiple other countries.


Discrimination- This is unavoidable regardless of where you go, it's the nature of man.


I assume you were being funny about the jokes... although this is the only one that I give you credit for, we do tend to do that...


Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots?
No more than the rest of the human race. Humans in general are stupid sheep that will follow other sheep right off a cliff and believe what they are told to believe. It's the same no matter what country you find puny humans. There are, of course, exceptions but in general, most people do not know what they need to know or do what they should. Not much more to say in my opinion.




I agree with this.

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Gee, what can I say? I came up believing that Great Britain and America were staunch friends. Most of us came from there. My ancestors come over from Ireland. Some of my ancestors were here waiting for them in the form of the native Ottawas. All of my ancestors came from Africa the same as yours did many thousands of years ago. What happened to Hands Across the Sea or I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing? I have seen some very insulting things said about my country on this board, about my flag and about Americans in general. It is My country, My flag and I am an American and you have lumped us all together. What have I done to you to deserve these words. I came to this board to play an American game with help from a UK forum. Are you to tell me that the chums that I have made and spoken to so friendly here on a day to day basis are all standing there with smiles on their faces and a Commando knife behind their backs? Is there a derogatory word that you use amoung yourselves when referring to Americans? I feel right now like my wife has left me for another man. Or that my boss is firing me so that his nephew can have my job. What have I done? I don't know. I feel a sick shock to my system. My head is reeling. I feel so lost for words. Again I must ask, What have I done? Mr. Vagrant, I am abashed. All that you say is true. Things can be better. Some of us can, and do, rise above the mire to better ourselves and make a better life for our children. I don't count myself amoung them as I am right down here in the mire with the rest of them. But my President has offered a new beginning with a hand held out to former enemies and friends alike and a willingness to listen to and be one with the world instead of Lord over all. Can this not be a new beginning for friendship between our two peoples? Can we put behind us the animosity that I never knew existed until now? I'm sorry, I came here today to see what new modifications were available for me to play Oblivion with this evening, but I don't feel like playing now. I think that I just want to sit here, be sick and hurt. Please tell me, WHAT HAVE I DONE, as an American, to you? I would make it right if I could.




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The trick is Lepus: Not to care what other people think. America is a wonderful country and even though it has its problems so does many European countries. The problem is that many people care what foreign nations think of us and we start to "listen" to them to get a idea of how to make our country better for them instead of us, the American people who live in it. Even as we have a government that shares many opinions that the Europeans have it isn't enough for them. Americans are supposed to be seperated and disliked by Europe because that is why America was made in the first place. The colonies isolated themselves from Britain so that they could live in the way they wanted to, and not be over-taxed and bossed around by a big bad government. Of course, our country in itself is changing and is not in the same position as it was so long ago, proof is this: History.



Simply put, don't listen to what others think: What matters is what you think about yourself, and your country. Do you believe in America? Or do you believe in some foreign country? Alliances and partnerships can be formed and many citizens can love citizens from other nations, but that altogether eliminates America's founding purpose.


Here is a excerpt from George Washington's farewell address:


"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none or very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world..."

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It's just a stereotype. I don't think Americans are stupid (except for Bush: "In Latin America, they speak Latin). But the media pcik the dumbest of the dumbest Americans, so that's why Americans are now considered to be stupid. Germans are considered to rough and inpolite. Englishmen are considered to be posh and snobby.


It's just a stereotype man. Get over it.

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Better stupid than murderors and thiefs don't you think Lepus? When we joined the European Union, people from my country migrated to other countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, GB, etc. Some of them had problems with the law here and decided it is time to say Bye-bye to thier home country and start a new "business" outside. Most folks are good people that want to make some money so they can take care of their beloved ones, but no, we are all judged as murderors and thiefs.

Some guy from Spain decided to make a song for us, romanians and let me tell you it's not nice. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv0PuhXHGNY


Do you think that I hate Spain for what a bunch of people think? Hell no. I have family members in Spain and I know how's it like not to be able to see them only once a year. Some weeks ago a romanian was killed just for beeing romanian.


As you can see, americans are not the only ones that have such "problems". So no, americans are not stupid.





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Lurk Mode <OFF>


The Rabbit appears next to you hat in hand.


I'm sorry that I stomped out on everyone like that. It's just that I had come from the banned forum section where our Fearless Leader had banned another American (he deserved it as he had acted a jerk) and he had been mocking Americans in doing so (Fearless Leader is NOT a great lover of Americans). Then I found this forum where, once again, Americans were being mocked and ridiculed and I'm afraid that my mind just snapped. I just think that you shouldn't hate me for what I am. You should get to know me first then hate me. It's only fair I think. Truth be told since my self-imposed exile from the Nexus I've been quite miserable. I'm something of a shut-in and pretty much my whole contact with the outside world comes through contact with people on forum boards like this. This is only the second one that I belong to. I've missed being a part of this society. I will accept that all of this is my fault and I will promise to behave myself if you will take me back again. I promise not to get in anyone's way and not to post so much. I will rate all of my downloads and try to be more respectful of others. You see we rabbit types are very east to get along with once you get to know us. So what do you say? I don't eat much and I'm good about cleaning up after myself. Can you take this poor, wayward bunny back again even if he is a Yankee?




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Lurk Mode <OFF>


The Rabbit appears next to you hat in hand.


I'm sorry that I stomped out on everyone like that. It's just that I had come from the banned forum section where our Fearless Leader had banned another American (he deserved it as he had acted a jerk) and he had been mocking Americans in doing so (Fearless Leader is NOT a great lover of Americans). Then I found this forum where, once again, Americans were being mocked and ridiculed and I'm afraid that my mind just snapped. I just think that you shouldn't hate me for what I am. You should get to know me first then hate me. It's only fair I think. Truth be told since my self-imposed exile from the Nexus I've been quite miserable. I'm something of a shut-in and pretty much my whole contact with the outside world comes through contact with people on forum boards like this. This is only the second one that I belong to. I've missed being a part of this society. I will accept that all of this is my fault and I will promise to behave myself if you will take me back again. I promise not to get in anyone's way and not to post so much. I will rate all of my downloads and try to be more respectful of others. You see we rabbit types are very east to get along with once you get to know us. So what do you say? I don't eat much and I'm good about cleaning up after myself. Can you take this poor, wayward bunny back again even if he is a Yankee?




yep,even a damn yankee is welcome!...wait,thats me too! :biggrin:  

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