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CK - Warpaints not showing up (at all)


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I've searched the net for a while and my problem is different from others, it seems.


A lot of people have the bug where they would add warpaint to the NPC in the CK, but it would not show up in game.


My problem is that even in the CK they do not show up at all. Has this happened to anyone else?


It's very annoying :/ Any help would be appreciated.



(And before you suggest it, the ctrl+F4) fix won't work either. I cannot see the paint AT ALL, not even in the CK.)

Edited by Dahveed
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  • 2 weeks later...

i know this wont fix your problem, but have you considered making NPCs ingame instead?

you can use the racemenu to make a character and then export that character into a file, then import that character-file into the creation kit.


the tools to make a NPC ingame are far better in my opinion.


More info:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/572037-character-face-export/

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  • 2 years later...

I hope it's not a faux pas to bump a thread like this. I'm getting forehead freckles when I try adding warpaint to an NPC using the CK. I really don't know what else to do - the warpaint is the only change I want to make to an already-modded NPC morph. The CK edits other character attributes just fine, but not warpaint.

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