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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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jeezo, are u still doing this wookie.


your commitment is comendable ;)


whats the progress :)


thats the problem, there hasn't been much progress...


I keep going through different ideas on my models and that should be done soon, maybe later this week if nothing unexpected comes up. I just need to finally make up my mind and stop switching whether I want to make more modular peices or keep each building a unique mesh...

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This mod looks great :D

I like the idea of an upgradeable town, its one of the main selling points for me.

As far as help goes, I wouldnt be able to do much, i could possibly do a little dialogue although i must warn you, im hardly a proffesional writer or anything near that, i got an A in english if that helps >.<

But thats about it as I have no experience with the GECK.

I also like the new faction :thumbsup:

Is it definately going to be included in the mod?

If it is, Id like to be in it... if its okay, that is.

The name would just be 'Buddha' and he would be a heavy firearms specialist. Like Buddha (real), 'Buddha' "attempts to fulfil his vision — to help people grow towards Enlightenment..." with massive

kick-a** guns of course.

Just an observation, those house models look a bit like the houses in the Islamic cites of assasains creed, with the protrusions around the rooftops and the (current) colour and such.



Edit ~ Sorry, didnt read your previous post on dialogue. I'll pm you tonight or tomorrow ;)


Edit again ~ Oh, and do you still need help with character concept art, or have you done all that?

If you need help with that, it would definatley be more up my street ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wait. So where do I do the dialogue? As a matter of fact, what do you want me to do?

did you for get the add teh village bully ya know the guy who thinks hes all that and a bag of chips can kick anyones but etc quest idea for key to teh city how about saving the city its self not something lame like megaton ok makea selection poof bomb defused next lol but a real epic save the city deal maybe finda cure for some plague or save it from an army of slavers / raiders maybe ya find a hidden vault full of tech and supplies the city desperatly needs

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did you for get the add teh village bully ya know the guy who thinks hes all that and a bag of chips can kick anyones but etc quest idea for key to teh city how about saving the city its self not something lame like megaton ok makea selection poof bomb defused next lol but a real epic save the city deal maybe finda cure for some plague or save it from an army of slavers / raiders maybe ya find a hidden vault full of tech and supplies the city desperatly needs

Does your settlement have a person who is under the impression that he is an extremely capable fighter and can defeat any challengers, a town 'strong-man' if you will? Also I have an idea for a quest where you must earn the Key to the city; how about saving the city itself in a more dramatic set of events than the current 'Power of the Atom' quest. I thought defending the town from an army of slavers or raiders would be an interesting quest, or perhaps find a cure for a disease that threatens the town [translator's note: Pitt much?]. If those are not satisfactory maybe the player could be made to find a hidden cache of pre-war technology or supplies that the town needs, maybe from a Vault or similar facility?



-Translation from Tard to English (UK) provided as a Community service.

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Tony might disagree, but I sort of see it as making it an ESM for a reason. It's a master file, so anyone who wants to come in and add quests to it is free to do so. So if there's something we leave out (and there probably is, this project is the poster child for feature creep, we have to draw the line somewhere) you can go in and add it yourself.

For example, I have already entered all of the dialog we have (not much). Tony is working on the buildings, so I am building characters and quests into it that interest me. They aren't crucial to the main plot but they fit in the setting and I think add extra character to it. Currently that consists of populating the slave pens with avatars of people who said they would help and didn't :cool:. Oh, and giving them some sweet custom outfits.


(I was going to post a teaser screenshot here but I guess you can't attach things anymore. Oh well, you'll have to wait)


So if there's a character you want to be there, and isn't, you can make a plugin that adds it, I guess is what I'm getting at.

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