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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Wow... uhmmm ookkkk

Not very helpful in terms of what you want... like perhaps a barber shop with 80 different floors and a huge underground tunnel connecting to raven rock? <--idk...


well, which place do you want to work on, then I can get you the information :biggrin:


If you want to work on the Barber shop I have a blueprint somewhere...


here is it




You can modify it if you want, but the basic idea is that it is a long room with a big window on the front wall and 3 barber chairs, and that Gorplog has his living area upstairs




But if you want to do something else I can get you the info on that as well, I just need to know what you need the info on so I can get it to you.

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I can work on the barbershop. Not sure if ill be able to do everything because i just started using GECK. But i can try... and if i cant do something i can at least do the basic stuff so someone more experienced can finish it faster


btw did you draw that?

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Good drawing. Especially for a "quick sketch".


Ok. I'll get started soon. Maybe tonight (if so not a lot) or tommorow. But definately by saturday. And hopefully I'll finish by sunday night but no guarantees. And if I do good on the barbershop I can work on something else.

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ill be honest, Tony i havent really had time before, busy rl work, then my own mod....but i finally read through this mod thread here, and with the screenshots and plans and everything you showed, im really impressed man.


Good work so far, keep it up and cant wait to see this evolve!



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ill be honest, Tony i havent really had time before, busy rl work, then my own mod....but i finally read through this mod thread here, and with the screenshots and plans and everything you showed, im really impressed man.


Good work so far, keep it up and cant wait to see this evolve!




Whens your mod gonna be done?

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I have some dialogue ideas for Jennifer (The baker right?)


Proposal Stage - Jennifer



1. Jennifer you're a shining beacon of Hope in an otherwise deprived world, Will you marry me? (Cringe I know, intended for Very Good karma)

2. Jennifer, I... I love you, Will you marry me? (Good karma)

3. You need a man/woman to 2 "love" you, I need a good meal to come home to, Let's tie the knot (Neutral "bad ass" characters}

4. Jenny, You're going to be my woman until death do us part... Comprende? (Evil)

5. female dog, you think those sandwhiches are going to make themselves? You're going to devote your life to me, worship the very ground I walk on (Will require speech check)



1. I... You... Yes! Oh my God... Yes! You've made me so happy!

2. Oh my God, of Course I will!

3. Heh, I sure do know how to pick 'em... Sure, Let's get married!

4. Of course, anything to please you!

5. [Accepts] Of course dear, just please, please don't hurt me.

[Rejects] How dare you *ban* talk to me like that, you're a disgusting, vile pig and I hope you rot!


(PC can still attempt to save the relationship, after being rejected on 5)



1. [speech x%] Come on Sugar Tits, you know I was just kidding...

2. [Karma (Good+)] Jennifer, Forgive me, you mean the world to me

3. Whatever, plenty more bitches in the Waste. (If you like Jennifer could turn hostile on you)

4. You *ban* female dog! How dare you! I'm going to kill you...



1. [accepts] Your such a pig! I... Well.. you... Wait a minute! You'd better make it up to me...

[Denies] Save it turkey, Goodbye... Don't even try to stop me...

2. Well... Okay, but I don't want to hear any more of your bullshit.

3. You unbelievable male without a father... AHHH! (Conversation ends and Jennifer turns hostile and attacks)

4. You know what turkey, At this point... I'd embrace it...


Just a few vague ideas I had floating around, feel free to use/ dismiss them.

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