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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Love the work your doing Tony, I read that your putting people in as characters and then your going to brutally murder them. If this is still the case then I would appreciate it if you would add me:




I don't know if you want but roborabbit has many pathways for character creation ie. rabbit helmet or something?


Just ideas. Can't wait for the release! :)

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Xanorak... I want you to think about that for a second... re-read my previous post if you don't realize what's wrong with your suggestion...


And so that, you know, new people can quickly get involved by reading an updated first post, which will have a major, major effect in getting you more people to help with this (I'm serious, people will volunteer hours upon hours and do quality work, but these same people will not dig through a thread to find the necessary things to get involved).

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Xanorak... I want you to think about that for a second... re-read my previous post if you don't realize what's wrong with your suggestion...


Oh, how stupid of me. The thing is, Tony doesn't come here much often any more, so I doubt he'll take the time to update the first page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updating the first page would be catering to the lazy people who can't actually be bothered with reading the information about this project.


And Tony stated that he'd rather not have those kind of people involved with his mod. So in otherwords, if you actually take time to read then it won't be too hard to find it.

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The thing is, I am no longer interested in trying to put together any sort of brainstorming team. It is too much work to try to keep everyone informed, and it doesn't get any results at all.


If you are actually serious about helping, email me, but that is only for people who actually want to do something, and absolutly not for people that say they are going to do something and don't come through.


But I would rather just work on this mod myself, it is easier and a lot less stress.




So I am still working on this mod, I just have no desire to keep the site updated.

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  • 1 month later...
Well for what is worth, I can´t help doing anything I am NO modder. But I´ll just try to encourage every person that is helping you out with this mod. Becuase I freaking love this mod and I would like to see it SHIIIIINE. Hehehe :biggrin:
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