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Jackeg - BANNED

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Jackeg banned.




Reason for the ban

Previoulsy banned member: jononojonojo


HAAAAA, This stupid people from the nexus, they think they can bann me and resolve anything, hahahahhahahahhaha, I have like 59 older accounts here and I ded 15 new one just to f*** with people like you or this incompetent idiots who are managing this site, go on bann be again you f*#@ers, if this can give you any satidfaction so at least you have some peace of mind before you go home again and will be f***ed in the ass you pussies


Elianora, apart that you are a bit too judgmental on what people instal and choose, the house is really a fine piece of work, I have endorsed it with 5 accounts, if you plan to move it somewhere else so that it doesnt conflict with anything then let me know, its not about judging people what mods they install assuming to know anything about them its, about the way someone who creates a mod has to think, avoiding every conflict possible and allowing safe and clean installs, this shows the quality of your work.


Apart from that, guys from the nexus, GO f*** YOURSELF , a lot of people are moving away form this side (which pleases me) to more fre pages like <site name removed>where eeryone can do whatever he likes, keep your kids you f*#@ers


If 'a lot of people are moving away' means a lot of like you then I'm pleased.


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The following is the track record of the banned user


On February 8, 2014, this user (jononojonojo) violated the following of our rules:

  • All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file.



He uploaded an all-in-one .ESP for the BTRH followers, without asking permission first from the author.


Note 1: When there is no indication from the author concerning permissions, you should always assume that you are NOT permitted to use their work. (We do not condone “involuntary sharing” that some people call communism, other people call theft).


Note 2: Giving credit is NOT enough, and stating that you will remove your mod if the author objects to it is not acceptable either. All permissions must be acquired BEFORE releasing the mod.


Alteration and upload of content from another site members files without prior knowledge or permission from the original creator.

File: merged BTRH followers esp - removed.

In future, get permission first.


File uploads blocked for 14 days (until 8:01, 22 Feb 2014) (edit - remove)

Mod tools blocked for 14 days (until 8:01, 22 Feb 2014) (edit - remove)

File downloads blocked for 14 days (until 8:01, 22 Feb 2014) (edit - remove)


The user chose to create a new account (laliluleloeurope) to bypass the restrictions that came with the formal warning.


This is another violation of our rules:


One account per person

Members are only allowed to be in possession of one account on the site. Members caught using more than one account will be regarded as attempting to exploit or circumvent features on the site and will have both their accounts banned.”




A few days ago this user decided to post a comment complaining about a conflict between a player house mod and the BB Luxury Suite mod, and received a response from the mod author in the negative, telling them that the mod author was not interested in maintaining compatibility with any arbitrary housing mod (essentially, the author wrote that she did not give a flying … about whatever pixel porn mod her mod was conflicting with), but later changed her tone and decided to build a compatible version).


As an obnoxious display of self-entitlement, this Nexus member decided to respond to the mod author’s not so courteous, but definitely not insulting answer by uploading two obscene images (one of them was related to excrement, and the other one called the mod author a practitioner of the oldest profession and some other things I would not repeat here) and posting an insulting remark in the mod comment topic from a THIRD account that they created for this purpose:


double negative Sir, we can locate a Bi%ch with codename, <mod author's name> the smell is getting stronger”



At this point, these ‘contributions’ were reported, the users multiple accounts discovered and banned. After that, the user felt ‘wronged’ decided to return to express the opinion quoted in the ban notice.


I leave it to the reader’s good judgment how evil Nexus is to ban such a worthy and well-mannered user.

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