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Ranger Chauncey (super mutant Ranger)


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I see. A difference of opinion (redemption vs survival of their brethren), but not mutually exclusive.


I'm a bit confused on this point. Right out of the gate I have to say my knowledge of fallout is limited to FO3 & FONV, I never played the earlier games. But from current lore, the NCR does accept mutants (ghouls, SMs) as full citizens. It's part of the way I was viewing Chauncy's motivation in his choice to be a ranger. As a dominant force in the southwest and the only large faction that offers full protection under the law (as any other NCR citizen) the NCR would seem to be the obvious choice because they allow intergration, not because they are the most antithetical faction to mutants. BOS, Legion etc make no provisions for mutants and the only thing waiting at the end of that road would be extinction.


Have I missed something?


I am much the same. Little to no experience with the prior games, but what I mean is at the time the NCR were not too keen on enrolling mutants into their ranks. What I do know is that the first game was set during 2161 and that was when you took down the Masters Army. So that would be the starting Point of Chauncey's Journey. By 2189 the NCR becomes the milatary force it is in New Vegas. Marcus is alone in the second game which is set during 2241. So within that time span Chauncey and Marcus travelled through the wasteland seeking redemption. Some years prior to Fallout 2 say 10 years, we could say Chauncey and Marcus have their falling out and seperate from each other. New Vegas is Set in 2281, 50 years later Chauncey and Marcus cross paths again.


See what I am getting at is that the NCR didnt really gain their power until 2189 and Chauncey would have been the first Supermutant to apply. So can you honestly imagine how hard it would have been to make it in? Especailly if your the very thing killing off most of these soldiers daily? Hence why I have written that he wont quit because of how hard he has worked.


Have I cleared it all up?

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See what I am getting at is that the NCR didnt really gain their power until 2189 and Chauncey would have been the first Supermutant to apply. So can you honestly imagine how hard it would have been to make it in? Especailly if your the very thing killing off most of these soldiers daily? Hence why I have written that he wont quit because of how hard he has worked.


Have I cleared it all up?

I don't think we have/had a difference in opinion on that point (I don't really have an opinion either way). What I was driving at is in re: to the the two points I addressed in my previous post.


The first being;



Well that is what I'm trying to convey here. See Chauncey believed the only way to redeem their actions committed during the masters reign was try to unite the intellegent from the ferals.

I see. A difference of opinion (redemption vs survival of their brethren), but not mutually exclusive.


But as I mentioned those two aren't mutually exclusive and I believe both of our suggested motivations could drive Chauncey simultaneously.


However your second point is (IMHO) far more problematic and should probably be hammered out;


Chauncey beleived they had to go for the source of human-mutant resentment, which he believed was the NCR.

I don't believe this is accurate, in fact I think it is the opposite, as they are by far the most mutant friendly major faction. It's important to ackknowledge this as it also supports the first point (that under NCR law a mutant can have the same privileges of citizenship adn equal protection under NCR law....a key to SM integration).

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Ya got me there. But I was gearing towards the NCR not really liking the idea of Mutants in a commanding position, but thats just an opinion. Marcus wanted to prove to Humanity that Mutanity(hehe) could co-exist like the ghouls and the Humans, problem is that there are tonnes of mutants out in the wastes that are responsible for a lot of death and choas be they feral or not. I would almost say more so than ghouls because of the threat the masters army posed.

Therefore, there would be suspicion and hatred among the ranks forcing Chauncey to prove himself not a traitor. Something he is still trying to do (at least internally).

The whole Redemption Vs Survival thing is relevant though.

Marcus choose survival, hence why he seems to have the whole stay out of the war attitude.

Chauncey choose Redemption. The only way he saw he could do this was join the NCR(the falling out occured because Marcus noted that leading mutants to war was what the Master Wanted or something to that effect).

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The whole Redemption Vs Survival thing is relevant though.

Marcus choose survival, hence why he seems to have the whole stay out of the war attitude.

Chauncey choose Redemption. The only way he saw he could do this was join the NCR(the falling out occured because Marcus noted that leading mutants to war was what the Master Wanted or something to that effect).

I'd suggest redemption *and* survival for Chauncey. He can be a multidimensional character (still waters run deep and all that) of great depth. One of the possibilities for survival, and here we're specifically talking about integration with humans via the NCR, of his brethren have better odds with the republic than any other faction. It would be a shame to waste that viewpoint in regard to the story line and dialog, as well as a missed opportunity to reinforce NCR lore. It's a pretty damn rare faction that can see past the monstrous exterior of a SM, so I think it's a good idea to showcase that side of the NCR. The idea that each citizen is equal in the eyes of the republic (despite their race) isn't your common waste-lander attitude. And I believe that should be a powerful draw for Chauncey as well as redemption of his past.


Plus that can tie into his character quests. There are other super mutants out there that may be intelligent enough and amenable to such a way of life. Chauncey could bridge the gulf between them and the NCR, bringing some of his fellow SMs into the fold.

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I suppose ya got a point there. The Supermutant army thing is more problematic, but I can implement the idea that it was the lesser of two evils and that it see's each member as equal, even if it doesnt act like it at times (lets face it the NCR arent the greatest group in the NCR but are the more favorable.)

Maybe he just wants to get the recognition he deserves. And I'l be recording some of the written lines later in the week.

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Lines Edited for Chauncey's dialogue due to recent changes to his character.




Right...I didnt know the NCR recruited Mutants?
Usually they dont. But I was an exception. Now,are you going to tell me what your doing at my station? Or am I going to have some bone breaking fun.
"Wait? Do You know Kimbell?"
" Yeah. Saved his life during the first battle of Hoover Dam. He kinda needed to reward me, but couldnt give me General because... well"
"Your a mutant? That seems unfair. How is this war any different from the masters?"
"I'd like to say less people die, but I'd only be fooling myself. Truth is NCR and Legion probably have caused more deaths in the last few years over a dam, than the master ever did. Of course I never was good at counting."
"So why dont you quit?"
You have any idea how hard it was to get to my rank? Hell, theres more orphans among the ranks of the republic and its citizins of my brothers and sisters actions, than any other of the NCR's enemies. Some of the other officers have begged for an excuse to put me down. I've had corporals spit in my face and privates pull pins on my grenades in an attempt to kill me, just so they wouldnt have to follow a mutant. Only the men and women that survive my training respect me.And believe it or not...Those we do save almost make up for the ones we cant... That thought alone helps me sleep."





Right...I didnt know the NCR recruited Mutants?
Not always...I was one of the first they recruited. Back then my brothers were sooner shot, rather than heard out. But I was an exception. A veteran like me was the perfect infestment for the NCR back then, and since we allow any mutant that wants to Join our ranks. Now,are you going to tell me what your doing at my station? Or am I going to have some bone breaking fun.
>Different part of dialogue<
"Wait? Do You know Kimbell?"
" Yeah. Saved his life during the first battle of Hoover Dam. He kinda needed to reward me, but couldnt give me the rank of General because... well"
"Your a mutant? That seems unfair. How is this war any different from the masters?"
"I'd like to say less people have died, but that would be a lie. Truth is, NCR and Legion probably have caused more death in the last few years over a dam, than the master ever did with his "purification". The first battle at Hoover Dam alone coast me more men than any battle I have ever been in. Of course...I was never good at counting" (lines suppose to show Chauncey's remorse for the men hes lost, while also has him trying to seem cold and tough by making a joke, so as not to show weakness.)
"So why dont you quit?"
You have any idea how hard it was to get to my rank? Hell, theres more orphans among the ranks of the republic and its citizins of my brothers and sisters actions, than any other of the NCR's enemies.Imagine how much moral is effected when you see your commanding officer is the same race as the thing that ate your sister and killed your family. And it doesnt stop with the recruits, oh no! Some of the other officers have begged for an excuse to put me down. I've had corporals spit in my face and privates pull pins on my grenades in an attempt to kill me, just so they wouldnt have to follow a mutant into battle. Only the men and women that survive my training respect me.But I keep fighting. To show that not all Mutants are mindless monsters, bent on the deaths of all beings different to them. I want to show, that mutants can sometimes express more humanity than humans themselves."
Edited by theDemonJackal
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Hi guys, sorry in interrupt the flow, but I was wondering what the scope of the mod is going to be - if this is just another companion mod, or something larger in size and depth like the Russell mod? The reason I'm asking is that theDemonJackal has created some interesting backstory elements, but it seems a little wasted without a quest or quest-line - in my opinion. I had an idea for an NCR super-mutant camp a while ago, maybe you can use it or adapt some of it:


The idea revolves around Camp Guardian. As such an important vantage point, it couldn't remain unoccupied for long - but the threat of the Lakelurks underneath meant that regular troops couldn't just be sent in again or risk history repeating itself. A ragtag team of super-mutants (and maybe ghouls) is sent in (perhaps in cooperation with Marcus and Jacobstown) to hold the camp - one of whom can be Chauncey. There would be some quests involving getting the troops to work together and making sure the camp is functional, with an eventual assault by Legion troops. There could also be some end-game effects as well, with NCR super-mutants taking part in the defense of Hoover Dam - depending on the player's choices. Chauncey would at first be just an NPC, but would be hire-able if the player did enough to save the camp.


You could also throw in Chauncey getting an offer from the Rangers at the end (I remember Fallout 2 mentioning the Rangers had some super-mutant members, but it's been a while since I played it and I could be wrong) which would unlock some unique armor/weapon showing his new status.

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Here is the link to the soundcloud account. Recording isnt great so dont be expecting Shakespear, but I imagined a gruff sounding voice as well as some intellect. I will also state that this is not my actual voice and deepened it to sound more rough. Please Be Gentle.





Edited by theDemonJackal
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