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Ranger Chauncey (super mutant Ranger)


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Can we conclude that Chauncey is looking for an escape from his isolation? Something I believe should remain is that his race is a factor when it comes to interacting with other officers. I mean, I started the fallout series with FO3 and upon meeting Fawkes I didnt trust him at all. But came to love the big guy. With this in mind I dont think that many soldiers, who have nearly been killed by savage mutants, would willingly take orders from one. Especailly if he is (and lets face it he would have to) willing to send soldiers out to kill his own race, and possible members of Chaunceys former unit. Yet Chauncey has been the longest serving and most decorated of both the NCR and Rangers.


Currently replaying the game I have discovered that Marcus has stated he has no trouble with the NCR, and the Keane thing might be interesting to implement some way. So heres what I propose. Perhaps it wasnt the NCR that made Marcus sceptical, but Chaunceys joining. Once agian this is early in the NCR's Development so there would be some worries among the soldiers about a mutant entering their ranks, let alone a veteran of the Masters Army. Marcus realised that this was a dangerous step for Chaucney to make, but also realises he cant tell Chauncey it would be dangerous as that would appear as a challenge to him. Chauncey takes offence to the accusation that he is talking like the Master did. Basically, Marcus doesnt want Chauncey to Join another army too soon after after getting out of the masters, while Chauncey see's it as doing what he can to survive in the wastes.


Something like that.

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Can we conclude that Chauncey is looking for an escape from his isolation? Something I believe should remain is that his race is a factor when it comes to interacting with other officers. I mean, I started the fallout series with FO3 and upon meeting Fawkes I didnt trust him at all. But came to love the big guy.

I don't see why we couldn't assume that. Chauncey is intelligent, and probably appreciates interaction on his intellectual level (not always available from your average SM), and I believe he probably shares that (along with camaraderie) among the rangers. So yeah I could see them fulfilling that need for him. But I would portray it as a minor motivation, since he has some intellectual equals in Jacobstown and would be a mentally tough individual. I wouldn't want to portray him as a soft touch, that accepted conscription and military service just cuz he didn't have any friends. Rather lets say he appreciates high discourse and perhaps leave it at that?


With this in mind I dont think that many soldiers, who have nearly been killed by savage mutants, would willingly take orders from one. Especailly if he is (and lets face it he would have to) willing to send soldiers out to kill his own race, and possible members of Chaunceys former unit. Yet Chauncey has been the longest serving and most decorated of both the NCR and Rangers.

I think it probably depends on who he is serving with. I don't believe rangers per se will have nearly as much a problem with him as common troopers. There are ranger ghouls, and I think rangers in general are a lot more likely to judge Chauncey on what he can do as opposed to what he is. Just going off the theory that the rangers are a no BS organization formed from some members that spent a lot of time in the wastelands (and are a heck more worldly than the average conscript) and where respect is earned by your own virtues/strengths/skills as opposed to rank.


I believe that may be why he's stationed where he is (at a ranger station and because of the proximity to Jacobstown, ie a liaison), and not, say, Camp McCarran (or other NCR military base composed of your rank and file).


So I don't think it will be a major problem, or at least not as much of a problem as it could be in another NCR installation. Although that's not to say there couldn't/wouldn't be some rangers that are prejudiced against him due to their former experiences with SMs, (I suspect with time he could bring them around), but that rather that, on the whole, this is probably one of the best solutions to a very difficult problem of racial prejudice. In addition it's a asset to the NCR because it provides some heavy firepower/backup for an isolated base and a sympathetic/knowledgeable representative for SM/NCR relations and communications.


Currently replaying the game I have discovered that Marcus has stated he has no trouble with the NCR, and the Keane thing might be interesting to implement some way.

What did you have in mind? Tracking down Keane with Chancey's help?


So heres what I propose. Perhaps it wasnt the NCR that made Marcus sceptical, but Chaunceys joining.

The NCR made Marcus skeptical?


Basically, Marcus doesnt want Chauncey to Join another army too soon after after getting out of the masters, while Chauncey see's it as doing what he can to survive in the wastes.


Something like that.

I really don't think it's a matter of personal survival for Chauncey. He's smart and tough, he could be leading his own band of SMs pretty easily. In addition I don't believe his loneliness or fear of isolation would be a large mitigating factor (rather a small influence) as he has some friendly intellectual equals (Marcus, Doc Henry etc).


You'v established a strong theme of redemption (for past sins in the masters army) and I think that is a excellent character trait for Chauncey, but it isn't necessarily linked solely to the NCR. Chauncey could redeem himself on his own, through another group or in a multitude of other ways. There should be something unique about the NCR that drove this course of action.


I believe that uniqueness is a characteristic of the republic itself, especially in re: to non human citizens (ie, the same pitch as I started on post 36, re: protecting his kin's survival). I also believe the NCR is a juggernaut, a super power in the region. So far it's crushed everything that has opposed it (Enclave, BOS etc) and is a force to be reckoned with. The combination of those two factors (allowing mutants to be citizens, and it's overwhelming military power) present a opportunity that is unique among any of the major factions. A chance for SMs to survive and even possibly thrive, (as opposed to extermination or fleeing to the far corners of the mainland) by joining the NCR.


So I wouldn't pitch it as Chauncey's personal survival, but as a much more heroic ideal of his concern for his people and *their* survival.

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I think I should learn to word and state all my meanings from now on. I have a tendency to write down things based off of my own theories and observations and forget that others may not see it my way.

I do not want to write him as a soft touch, he is the more ruthless of the two Mutant (Marcus being the other), however, he enjoys the descipline of being part of the NCR. Being a commanding officer in the Masters army, he was used to ordering around beings such as him, and as once he joined the NCR found that the discipline wasnt too different. So he rose in the ranks and eventually jumped to the rangers as he saw them as having a better trainign routine than the solders.

As I have stated Chauncey has saved many soldiers lives in battle,(even Kimbell himself) and yet he has ramianed a ranger. Now i have stated that this is because he is a mutant, but due to recent things coming to light I have changed it to because he enjoys the freedom, discipline, and fraternity of the Rangers. As I stated earlier, and you have stated Devin, Chauncey is the NCR's Answer to Lanuis. A huge Juggernaut of a Soldier, that has garnered his own reputation among the troops as The Western Monster.

I was going to state in the post above that I have wrote a little backstory for chauncey including possible things Marcus said that got him to leave.

As for your question about Marcus and the NCR. No Marcus is not sceptical of them.I had stated in Chaunceys dialogue that Marcus had a huge problem with his freind joinging the NCR(which I still want implemented but for a reason that makes sense to the mans character) and therefore things were said to each other that both regret but will not apologise for. Niether of these men want to appear soft to their brother in arms, no matter how much they miss each others company.

Chauncey Joined the NCR because he saw the Legion as "Masters Army Ver.2". And he never wants to be part of anything like that again.

Keane(if he survived) has gone missing and Marcus asks Chauncey for help. Keane is bitter that he was talked down to by the Courier, and has left Jacobstown. This journey also has you figure out more about Chauncey and confronted by a group of NCR soldiers that have a problem with Chauncey helping the Mutants.


Something like that. So I hope I havent left anything out.

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Okay guys, Currently recording and writing new lines and dialogue for Chauncey regarding Marcus, his life, and some other areas/NPC's that I think he should comment on.

Its going so/so since I am cramming a lot of work into this, while also juggling several personal matters at once, BUT the good news is that the work is coming alone pretty good and I am proud of some of the Dialogue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the works of re-recording all the revised lines for Chauncey. And came up with two quests for him. One where he finds Keane and the other where he is presented with traitors in the NCR.


Keanes Quest is entitled - You got a friend in me...(because Marcus gives it)

NCR Quest is entitled- Suspicous Minds


For the moment I wont go into Detail about the quests, because I actually really feel good about what I have come up with.


Now next Idea. Little side idea

As I have stated the character sheet I have presented states that Chauncey is more a Hand to Hand fighter rather than a shooter. This is partly due to his belief that guns are too needy:

"...Ya gotta clean it, assemble it, load it, and then hope it hits. Loading and reloading takes a total of 10- 15 seconds. And a lot can happen in that time span"

and also due to the fact not many guns accomodate mutant hands.


However, this does not mean he is weaponless. Because we have stated that he is a veteran of several battles I was wondering if we can give him a bigger version of the Dog Tag Weapon for him.

Picture below








I have been playing a lot of MGS as of late and currently wondering if I can incorparate aspects of the characters to Chauncey. In other words, have him question his whole goal. His goal has been to unite Mutant and Man for the longest time and he believed the strongest way to do that was Joinging the NCR. But what is the point if men under the same flag are so willing to betray a brother in arms, what hope does he have to unite a race of outcasts with a race so willing to betray their brothers?

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Just a quick post (I'll have more time this weekend)


Keanes Quest is entitled - You got a friend in me...(because Marcus gives it)

NCR Quest is entitled- Suspicous Minds


For the moment I wont go into Detail about the quests, because I actually really feel good about what I have come up with.

OK, can you run it by me?


Now next Idea. Little side idea

As I have stated the character sheet I have presented states that Chauncey is more a Hand to Hand fighter rather than a shooter. This is partly due to his belief that guns are too needy:

"...Ya gotta clean it, assemble it, load it, and then hope it hits.

I probably wouldn't go in that direction. Even the dumber 2nd gen SMs out in the wastelands can maintain their firearms and a ranger should have intimate knowledge of his/her own. Rangers would be the type of guys (and gals) that could dissemble, clean and reassemble their weapons blindfolded and drunk.


Loading and reloading takes a total of 10- 15 seconds. And a lot can happen in that time span"

and also due to the fact not many guns accomodate mutant hands.

I probably wouldn't pitch it that way either, as SMs can used some pretty advanced weaponry (multiplas, assault rifle, mini gun, light machine gun) that can pump out some serious rounds per minute.


However, this does not mean he is weaponless. Because we have stated that he is a veteran of several battles I was wondering if we can give him a bigger version of the Dog Tag Weapon for him

IMHO you don't want *any* NCR solider using a dog tag weapon. It's OK for a enemy of the NCR (even appropriate in the sense of it being a trophy weapon). But if it's anything like the US military, servicemen will go through a lot to recover dog tags and get them to teh fallen's family.


Remember that the NCR weapon smiths are pretty capable and we have access to a lot of animations (two handed rifle, mini gun, rocket launcher, two handed melee, grenades, automatic rifle, etc) so I think it would make sense to give him a pretty decent weapon (something on the same level as a super mutant master or at least brute would have). I can even customize it with some NCR insignia.

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Well that was just a few ideas now Devin, nothin is truly set in concrete. However, I think its said that the rangers have the best hand to hand ability of the NCR. Since the character of Stella is a Ranger albel to beat a ranger elite to death with her bare hands. So I would say push to have him as a bare knuckle fighter. As for his weapons, he is not incapable of using and I have actually written Dialogue which states he is very skilled with them. He just has seen so much war and so many deaths, that while he is a skilled marksmen, he just prefers to use his hands.

Its not so much that he isnt able,but just a preference. Anyways. If any weapon he should use an assualt rifle.

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Well that was just a few ideas now Devin, nothin is truly set in concrete. However, I think its said that the rangers have the best hand to hand ability of the NCR.

they should have the best combat skills in general as they are the NCRs elite/special forces.


Since the character of Stella is a Ranger albel to beat a ranger elite to death with her bare hands.

She beat a ranger elite to death?


As for his weapons, he is not incapable of using and I have actually written Dialogue which states he is very skilled with them. He just has seen so much war and so many deaths, that while he is a skilled marksmen, he just prefers to use his hands.

Out of curiosity if he has seen so many deaths, why would he prefer to use his hands? Wouldn't that be much more up close and personal than a firearm?


So I would say push to have him as a bare knuckle fighter.


Its not so much that he isnt able,but just a preference. Anyways.

Virtually none of the rangers are unarmed (Stella apparently being an exception, but I don't know if that's due to her status as a prisoner, or what the situation is. Was never in the arena) and they tend to have some pretty effective firepower. Even the dumbest wasteland SMs use weapons.


Essentially the point I'm trying to convey is that as a ranger, I believe IMHO that folding traditional ranger traits, characteristics, and equipment into his role will pay more dividends and strengthen his character.


If any weapon he should use an assualt rifle.

He could use an assault rifle like Lily, but I'd recommend him taking advantage of his superior size and strength and use a light machine gun. I believe it would suit him well. And I can spruce it up into a unique weapon for him.

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