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Option to throw your weapon


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I like the throwing weapons mod, but there are some things I don't like about it. You can't use them in melee, and they have unrealistic weight and damage. I have an idea that takes this mod and combines it with the vanilla game.


There would be 3 throw-able weapons


1. Dagger

2. War Axe

3. Spear (added by Nordic spear mod/immersive weapons)


You can fight with them as a melee weapon, but if you hold down the activate button when there is nothing to interact with, you convert it to a throwing weapon, then you can throw it. It would make combat as a melee fighter much more dynamic and fun.


There would be pros and cons.



  • Option that the skill can be governed by 1/2 handed skill tree or marksman
  • Higher damage and more armor piercing than arrows I.E. dagger has 15% armor piercing, war axe 30%, Spear 50% A spear can almost outright kill any man
  • Don't have to carry a bow
  • All weapons retrievable


  • Same weight as their melee counterparts, so can't carry too much throwing weapons
  • Shorter distance than bows
  • The weight determines the stamina cost to throw the weapon. Throwing a spear would be like a power attack.


I play as a pure melee and barbarian fighter. This mod would be unbelievably cool.

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Bump, someone has to be interested in a mod like this. Especially pure melee characters that love the blood and guts of hand to hand combat. It doesn't seem that hard in theory. It can be two separate items (throwable and regular) than can be toggled by holding the activate button. Just remove and add items to switch. You would need permission from the throwing weapons mod author to do this, then recalibrate the stats accordingly to be realistic.

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