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Fawkes was born a woman!


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I found this interesting enough and wondered if anyone else noticed.


In Vault 87, there is a terminal in the one of the rooms just before you meet Fawkes for the first time, (its actually in the last room on the right at the end of the hallway that leads to Fawkes' cell) which has several entries made by the Vault-tech scientist in charge of the FEV experiments. In the first entry it names several female test subjects by their given alpha-numeric designation, one of them is listed as 'D164'. If you look at the terminal just outside Fawkes' door, it lists him/her as 'Specimen D164'.

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Yeah, people knew it since the day they saw Fawkes, however, both Emil Pagliarulo and Wes Johnson said Fawkes is absolutely a male, they are the people that made and voice acted Fawkes.


It amuses me, why is Fawkes' Sexuality so important for many guys here, and over there? :D

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Well, I don't have any interest in Fawkes sexuality per say, lol, I just thought it was an interesting bit of trivia.


I remember reading about FEV and how no matter what the gender of the original specimen, it evolved them into an asexual state, so male or female, once a person gets changed to a Meta Human there is no longer any difference between the two.


That's pretty bad news for us guys, I am kinda attached to the little fella and his two pals if you know what I mean, lol.

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I think its important because that way it makes perfect sense for me to start singing right after I blow up Raven Rock and meet up with Fawks and her gatling laser while the massive Enclave base is exploding into pieces and the vertibirds are fleeing the carnage.



I meet up with Fawks who is helping mow down surviving Enclave soldiers (and is really good at it since I'm usually around level 12 of 15 at least be this point... I tend to pick up the Cannibal perk before I do the Andale or Arefu quests).


Fawks: Such wonderous technology, imagine the evil that we could eliminate with such tools.


Me: Want to come with me and help save the wasteland?


Fawks: I would be honored to travel with a hero such as yourself.


Several vehicles are intermediatly exploding in the background as we turn to walk to the citadel (it is obligatory to walk to the citadel at this point... I mean, I think it is actually morally wrong to just fact travel across the wasteland right after blowing up Raven Rock... it ruins the awesome.)



Enclave Soldier: Hold it right there! *holds up a laser rifle*


Fawks is about to blow the guys head off when I hold up a hand. Explosons continue in the background and music starts playing


Sung to the tune of Mean Green Mother from Outer Space (actually just sing Mean Green Mother, I don't think I can improve the lyrics)



Um, better wait a minute.

Better hold the phone

*walks up to the enclave soldier*

Better mind your manners.

Better change your tone.


*Gets right up the the Enclave Soldiers face*

Don't you threaten me, boy.

You got a lotta gall.

We're gonna do things my way.

Or we won't do things at all!

*pulls out shishkabob and decapitates Enclave Soldier with a flourish*


Fawks: *Walking with me to the Citadel, taking out a camp of Enclave Hellfire troops as she walks*

You don't know what you're messin' with.

You got no idea

You don't know what you're lookin' at

When you're lookin' here.

You don't know what you're up against,

No, no way, no how

You don't know what you're messin' with,

But I'm gonna tell you now!


*Enclave officer explodes*



*Hellfire soldier explodes*



*Collared deathclaw explodes*



*Enclave Sentry bot explodes*




Get this straight!

I'm just a mean green mother full of FEV and I'm bad!



Mean, green, bad!



I'm just a mean green mother full of FEV

and it looks like you've been had!


I'm just a mean green mother full of FEV

So get off my back and get outta my face!


Cause I'm mean and green and I am bad!


*Both of us together as we take out Enclave camps as we casually walk across the wasteland.*


Wanna save your skin, boy?

You wanna save your hide?

You wanna see tomorrow?

You better step aside

Better take a tip, boy

Want some good advice?

You better take it easy,

'Cause you're walkin' on thin ice


*cut to Colonel Autumn in the cramped Project Purity room, trying to organize the scientists to get the thing running while he gets scattered reports from his troops in the wasteland. A tiny computer screen shows the various bases but there is a clear line heading straight to the Citadel (and project purity where Autumn is) where all the Enclave forces are winking out of existance*


Ya don't know what you're dealin' with

No, you never did

Ya don't know what you're lookin' at,

But that's tough titty, kid!

The lion don't sleep tonight,

And if you pull his tail, he roars

Ya say, "That ain't fair?" Ya say, "That ain't nice?"

Ya know what I say?

"Up yours!"


*cut to see Me and Fawks return to the Citadel, let them know whats happened and the brotherhood is getting packed up to go. I put on a Brotherhood Power Armor while Liberty Prime is getting booted up... Madison Li watches as the Fusion research she worked on all these years is being used to power the robot who's about to take back Project Purity that she had also spent years on*


I'm just a mean green mother, a real disgrace,

And you've got me fightin' mad

I'm just a mean green mother from outer space,

Gonna trash your ass,

Gonna rock this place,

'Cause I'm mean and green and I am bad


*The brotherhood and Liberty Prime make their way to the first barrier and take it out... Me, Fawks, and Dogmeat just run past the broken barrier and start taking out Enclave Soldiers. Soldiers look up to see Liberty Prime blasting vertibirds out of the sky... While Me, Fawks, and Dogmeat rip them apart on the ground*


Don't you talk to me about old King Kong

You think he's the worst, well, you're thinkin' wrong

Don't talk to me about Frankenstein

He got a temper, ha! He ain't got mine


You know I don't come from no black lagoon

I'm from past the stars and beyond the moon

You can keep The Thing, keep The It,

keep The Creature, they don't mean poo


*Prime takes out the second barrier and the three of us head into Project Purity, taking out armored soldiers with ease*


I got one style, major moves

I got the stuff and I think that proves

You better move it out

Nature calls

You got the point?

I'm gonna bust your balls


*I kick in the door to the Rotunda and see Colonel Autumn standing there in his Jacket and holding a laser pistol (at this point I regret that there isn't a mod that lets me target an enemy's groin in VATS)*


Here it comes!

I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad

I'm just a mean green mother, a real hard case

You can't beat this trouble, man

I'm just a mean green mother from outer space,

So just beam him up

It's all over, ace


*I gut Automn like a fish*


I'm mean and green


*Fawks and Dogmeat obliderate the rest of the troops in the room*

Mean green mother from outer space


*Sarah Lyons gets a call that the Purifier is about to overload*

I'm mean and green


*She tells me about it and we briefly wonder who should punch in the code*

Mean green mother from outer space


*I hold up my hand and head into the airlock*

I'm mean and green


*I punch in the code to start the device. Shrugging off the radiation until the GECK-powered energy spike hits*

Mean green mother from outer space

Mean green mother from outer space


*The room is filled with a blinding amount of radiation as the Reactors, the GECK, and all the radiation from the tidal Basin are split apart and hit me*

And I. Am. Bad!


*cut to outside to see the fresh clean water being pumped out into the basin, all the massice armored Mirelurk (mere beach crabs mutated by radiation), and the Super Mutants (wastelanders exposed to FEV and radiation) look on as a stream of pure clean water is poured into the bay... all impurities removed from it.*


*Cut to the inside of the control room, where the massive glow of radiation begins to die down and Sarah Lyons, Fawks, and Dogmeat all stop shielding their eyes to see me (the one who's fought past super mutants, trogs, killer robots, freakishly strong tribals, and even space aliens if I had Mothership Zeta)... still standing*


Ah, ah, ah AH HAHAHAA!!!




Sorry if that got a bit off topic at the end, but yeah, for some reason every time I walk out of the exploding Raven Rock and see Fawks standing there with her gatling laser mowing down Enclade Troops... the words "Mean green mother from outer space" and "Gonna trash your ass, Gonna rock this place" spring to mind and I just gotta sing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I sorta figured it out during the Big Trouble in Big Town quest, that mutants tend to keep females, so they can turn them into one of them while males get mutilated and get eaten or get stored into the gore bags.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I guess that's really the only case in the wasteland were you're worse off being a man than a woman, I mean really, have you seen any feminine hygiene products anywhere in the wastes? I would hate to be a woman in the Capitol Wasteland.
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As other people have mentioned, yeah Fawkes is a guy. The females mentioned in the experiment were destroyed and Fawkes was just put in the cell of that specimen, thus the confusion.



As for the thing about male and female supermutants being identical, that's only with the secondary sexual traits. If you're a male supermutant, you'll still have your "little fella" but I can't say it's likely to have become as super as the rest of you. Oh geez I can't believe I'm typing this.

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