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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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Are you into punk/emo/goth/hXc women...? Because she likes blood, gore, zombies, ghosts, vampires, and everything macabre... >_>''


There's an Emo Girl hidden inside me. She just doesn't like people to see her.

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Are you into punk/emo/goth/hXc women...? Because she likes blood, gore, zombies, ghosts, vampires, and everything macabre... >_>''


There's an Emo Girl hidden inside me. She just doesn't like people to see her.

Aww, well, she doesn't need to be afraid - people here don't judge, and if they do, she can count on me to protect her. You have my word.


BTW, I can't post much more than this, as my story isn't really fit for this forum (hence the warning I gave).

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Are you into punk/emo/goth/hXc women...? Because she likes blood, gore, zombies, ghosts, vampires, and everything macabre... >_>''


There's an Emo Girl hidden inside me. She just doesn't like people to see her.

Aww, well, she doesn't need to be afraid - people here don't judge, and if they do, she can count on me to protect her. You have my word.


BTW, I can't post much more than this, as my story isn't really fit for this forum (hence the warning I gave).


If it stays on the romantic and erotic side and off of the filthy porno get yourself banned side, it's welcome in The Little Fairy's Flower Garden.

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Everything that I knew about Bethany drew me to her, and everything I didn’t know I wanted to know, which made me long for her. She was like me in a way - a loner, but yet had friends to hang out with every so often. And so she understood me, which is why we had been friends since Elementary. She was… perfect.


On nights she didn’t go to work - she worked the evening shift at the grocery store - I would every so often look across to her room, and watch her talk on the phone, or read her books, or lay on her bed watching TV. I wouldn’t say I stalked her - I didn’t exactly follow her everywhere she went, that’s totally creepy. But I would watch her, nothing out of the ordinary, I just simply admired her from afar.


It was one Friday evening she stayed home, I was outside doing yard work, raking the leaves we didn’t rake from last fall, and I could hear her music from her bedroom window. It was a warm night out so she had her window open, and I could hear "The Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin playing. That was one of my favourite songs from that band, and it made me feel all the more relaxed, knowing Bethany at least listened to the same music I did.


I got finished raking the leaves in our backyard when I heard her sliding door open and close, and she stood there on her back porch, smoking a cigarette. She had dyed her hair a dark cherry red colour, and had pink and white streaks going down the side of her front bangs. She was wearing black eye shadow and black mascara, and had a nose ring on the opposite nostril I had my own nose ring.


I never really noticed it before, but she had a cute looking mole on her upper right lip, it was kind of sexy if you looked at her the right way. Bethany looked beautiful sitting on her back porch, smoking her cig in slow long puffs. I didn’t realize I was staring at her, because she noticed me and asked if I was okay.


"Oh, um, yeah, I’m cool, thanks," my voice cracked as her voice made my heart skip a beat.


"No problem Eric," she smiled.


With how I felt toward her, it was a little more awkward to talk to her, yet I don’t think she sensed the slightest bit of shyness in my voice at this moment.


"So I hear you’re going to Lindsay’s party on Sunday night, right?" I asked trying to make small talk.


"Yeah, but I have a concert I’m gonna be going to, and I’m not sure if I’m gonna be going or not," she replied with a slight air of disappointment in her tone.


"Oh, well that blows. I heard it’s gonna be kick ass - Lindsay hired a DJ to spin tunes for the party," I said half-heartedly trying to sound enthusiastic about it.


"That’s cool. Well, I better go inside, I’ll see you later Eric," she stood up as she took one last drag of her cigarette and threw the smouldering butt on the ground, smothering it underneath her flip-flop.


"Okay Beth, I’ll talk to you later," watching her go back into her house. I couldn’t help but notice her behind jiggle a bit as she walked, and the sight turned me on, I wouldn't deny that.


I stayed outside for little while longer, relaxing on the back porch and watching the evening sun set. It was a magnificent sight, all the pretty pinks and oranges and blues merged into one beautiful astral canvas. I hoped Bethany was seeing what I saw, because it was the most stunning view I had ever seen. It made me wish I spent more time outside... instead of playing Xbox Live...


The sun had set by now, and it was starting to cool off. It was still warm outside, but I decided to back into the house. Mom wasn’t home, she was working the late shift at the hospital, my older sister Jenna was out with her boyfriend, and Sabrina was talking on the phone with her friends, as she usually is. I walked upstairs, well, the few steps you take to go to the slightly higher floor of our house.


I could see my faded "Keep Out" sign on my bedroom door, the lamp on my desk was on and shining out into the hallway, and my room was typical for a teenage guy. Clothes were strewn about my floor, the covers on my bed were misaligned and hanging slightly off, and there were various empty chip bags and pop cans laying on the floor. My room was a mess, but I didn’t mind it. And what I really enjoyed about my room - my window to the outside world was right across from Bethany’s window.


I almost had the layout of her room mapped out in my head, except for the few details I couldn’t see. Her bed was positioned against the wall very plainly, her oak dresser sat next to her bedroom door, and her walls were covered in a diverse array of band posters, hand-drawn artwork, and pictures. I could pick out a light pink colour to her bedroom walls, which I thought was cute for a girl who was always dressed mostly in black and other dark colours.


I looked over to see if she was in her room. She wasn’t so I decided it was high time to start my late "spring cleaning"… I was a very bad procrastinator during my teen years, sometimes chores wouldn’t get done until countless hours after mom had asked me to do them. I went into the kitchen to grab a plastic garbage bag to store my collection of pop cans and chip bags, and I glanced across to Bethany’s window as I came back into my room.


And what I saw, I’ll never forget…





This all I can post - the rest is unsuitable for the forum...



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What did you see?


You know, it's possible in a narrative to describe these scenes without using any at all vulgar slang or otherwise objectionable language.


Give it a try on a notepad and see how it goes...

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What did you see?


You know, it's possible in a narrative to describe these scenes without using any at all vulgar slang or otherwise objectionable language.


Give it a try on a notepad and see how it goes...


That's true...I find it hard to do with some of my work, but the absence of obscenity can lead to great things.

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Alright... You asked for it... If I get banned because of this, I'm blaming you Herc....



She was slowly taking off her sweater, and didn’t have anything underneath besides her bra. Her breasts jiggled a bit as she took her sweater off and lifted them up. She tossed her sweater aside and reached behind her back to her bra clasp, and unclipped her bra. I seen her breasts slightly droop as the support of her bra was no more, but they were still very firm from what I saw. I couldn’t help but notice her curves, and I also couldn’t help the fact I was getting very turned on.


She turned around and my jaw almost hit the floor - she had rather large areolas, which were a slightly darker shade to the rest of her skin, and pinkish-red [CENSORED], which were clearly standing out, probably from the coolness of the air. She looked up and for a second our eyes met each other, and there was a connection that I never felt before. It was as if time stood still, and the world around me was as nothing.


The moment was quickly dissipated as the flood of embarrassment washed over me and I felt my cheeks getting rather hot. I felt light-headed and didn’t know where to look other than away from Bethany. I hid my face for a couple minutes, trying to remove myself from the torrent of anxiety I felt - it was pure agonizing torment.


I peeked slightly across to Bethany’s window - she wasn’t there. I started panicking again. A flood of thoughts rushed through my brain at a million miles a second - where did she go? What did I do? Am I screwed over? But one thought persisted - did I really see Bethany, the girl next door - and the woman of my dreams - without a thing covering her upper body? Did I really see Bethany’s breasts???


I was in utter disbelief, and I wondered if this was only a futile dream. But then I seen Bethany shyly peek out toward me. For a moment I was gratefully relieved, yet utterly frightened about what inevitably will come next - the reaction to her discovery of me being a peeping tom…



This is the absolute last part of the story I'm posting - content is highly explicit for the forum and I won't risk being banned. Sorry...

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Bravo! Sorry, I wanted to make comment on your great story until the end was ceased... I can now regain my breath and approve heartily! Thanks my friend. :thumbsup:
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