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Remove bad CK save


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I have a house I have been kinda messing with for a while now. Had things working pretty good, I was just finished up adding a few things outside the house. I got the brilliant idea to add a chest with some enchanted things inside (Ring, Necklace, Ect.) to see if I could Enchant them higher, My enchanting is 100 so I can get like 62 health on jewelry and I think the highest ring is 70. So as I'm doing this, I start thinking of how to add more (Greed is a powerful weapon) "Boot's don't give you health!!" so I go to ebony boots, Edit, enchanting and changed it from None to Fortifyhealth06. I did the same thing with a helmet, armor... And saved it. Now here is where things started going wrong. I went to open the game to try it out and got CTD on 2nd load screen. I tried it again with same results. So I thought I would go back to the CK, and just undo the armor change thing and all would be good. well..... Now I cant open Ck with that mod active, I can open it with other mods active, Just not that one. Now I go to the Skyrim file/Backup to remove the last save from LSE (That's the mod name) removed the last save #9 and I still can't open it. So I checked the dates on the saves and #9 is 02/25/14 But #1 is 03/15/14, So I remove #1 (By remove I mean move it to a different folder and remove the .bak off the end to "Re-name" it) Still nothing. So I remove ALL saves from March, Nope. I unchecked the mod in NMM and the game plays fine now, But still can't open the mod in the CK. Now it's not so much loosing the mod that bothers me (although it does) I can always redo it if I have to. It's not knowing why. I am still learning how to do things and if I loose it, Lesson learned, But only if I know WHY it happened.

Sorry if this seems drug out, But every time I post something I usually get "Can you be more specific" I'm sure there are some things I did not cover, But this should be a good start.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

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