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construction set not showing oblivion files


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is there someone who can tell me how to move a object from one farm to another please i have milstone farm and loneowolf cottage but CS does not pick up any mods any help will be appreciated thank you


If it's custom object added by one of the mods you will need to make that mod a master to the other mod. To do that will require either Wrye Bash and it's ESMify/ESPify or Construction Set Extender (CSE).


If it's a vanilla game based object then you can simply use the CS to identify the reference object's base/parent object (Cell View pane -> Editor ID column -> right click the object in the list and select Edit). You can then just add the object to the other ESP.

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yes i got it working ty but how can i add a object from another farm to my farm i went to spok found the items then added it to my farm on millstone but i cant get it to work because i will hang my washing in milstone farm but my washing will reapear on the other farm on lonewolf cottage where i took the washing line from pls help ty

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Sounds to me like the washing line is working from a script but that script is set to hang the washing in one particular location (so it doesn't hang the laundry from the line but in the exact X Y and Z coordinates that the original line is at in the original mod, or possibly from the referenceID of the original line).



I'm no scripter myself, but if you post that script maybe somebody can help you change it.

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yes me too im very new to this how do i add the script here thank you


If it's not very long you can just copy\paste from the CS. If it's long then put spoiler tags in the front and back. At the start of the script (after you paste it here) put [ spoiler ] (except don't put the spaces before and after the [ and ]) and at the end put [ /spoiler ] (again no spaces).

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