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CM Partners common sence


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Well I'm new to CM Partners and there's some basic information that I can't find, so I assume it's common knowledge. But I don't know these things so I'm asking here.


What is the maximum number of partners you can have following you?


What's the differences between Party return, summon, and recall?


When I told my part to loot they ran around a bit then killed my horse. what's up with that? and how can I get them to stop killing my horse?


Some times CM Partners get stuck in walls, is there a way to prevent this?


One time when I fast traveled all my CM Partners armor and weapons got reset to default. is this a normal bug?


Is 6 CM Partners too Manny? I keep loosing members of my party.


anything else you can think of that I should know.


Thank you.

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When you downloaded the mod, the archive file should have contained more than one text document, one being a list of the mod's features and another being a wonderful tutorial on how to create your own CM Partners companions. Taking the time to read these answered a lot of these questions for me when I started out with it. Don't get discouraged from this mod; it's one of the best and new companions are uploaded daily. I'm even working on some myself. Enjoy!
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Thank you I read it, but I still have a bug where if I fast travel my CM Partners gear is reset to default. any way to fix that?


It shouldn't be a problem. Are you running the latest version of the mod? Have you tried its OBSE version included with it? In both these cases the companions can even follow you into the Shivering Isles without the problems seen in the past. There is still the problem of them falling behind and taking a few cell loads to catch up with you, but they should still have all their equipment.


Are these companions you have created yourself using the CS? If they are not checked as persistent references or quest items, then their inventories will reset just like other respawning containers. Take a look at them in the CS and let me know if you still need help.


Oh, and if they're killing horses and other NPCs that they shouldn't be attacking, check their AI. The areas marked aggression and responsibility control this in most cases. Unless they're like Tabaxi CMs, who will ALWAYS attack EVERY Khajiit until you adjust their racial reactions.

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