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Nevada Skies always crashing NV Ultimate Edition


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I have the UE on Steam, It crashes as the game-menu is loading after launching from the shortcut, while the legal screen is displaying.

I've done a fresh install. I'm using NMM, and load order always sees this as last, and even with no other mods loaded, this still crashes on the legal screen during loadup.


Is Nevada Skies no longer supported?



-- edit: I checked and see that the download on NMM was updated on the 17th of February.


I tried re-downloading the file, and the program still crashes on load, saying F NV has stopped working.

Deactivating Nevada Skies makes the game load and play properly.

Edited by Delicieuxz
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If you have NVSE, launch the game via the NVSE Launcher. Same if you have FNV4GB. I have both, so I just launch via FNV4GB's launcher.


If you haven't, try just getting NVSE first. It's a requirement for a -shitload- of New Vegas mods, and it's brain-dead simple to install. Download link: http://nvse.silverlock.org/


Edit: Also, for the love of God, only check the NVSkies .esp that you can use. Since you've got the Ultimate Edition, make sure you only have the NVSkies-All DLC (or whatever the hell it is) .esp checked. It's mind-numbing, how many people make that mistake and then ragepost about their game breaking.

Edited by WhiskeyRiver2
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Aside from the unticked NVSkies and EVE .esps, no. Delete the ones you don't need, then make up your mind about DarnifiedUI. Also try moving Ragdoll Overhaul to the bottom of your LO - not sure if EVE touches anything RO does, but it's possible.


Are you using NVSE or FNV4GB yet? The latest version of FNV4GB just might fix your problem if it's memory-related. Granted, I honestly have no idea what is actually causing your CTD, I'm just going off of what I've seen others deal with.

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