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Follower Editing Question


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So I installed Talkie Toaster's Share and Recruit mod and it makes a great alternative to CM partners, but I found it really annoying how your companions try to sheathe/unsheathe their weapons along with you. Half the time they don't figure out that you have your weapon unsheathed and they will just stand there in the middle of a fight with their sword put away and besides this makes them not fit in with the vanilla followers.

So how would I tweak my companions to just keep their swords put up when not in combat like normal NPCs? I am pretty familiar with the construction set.

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I have already fixed the aggression problem and found that it was only one npc who was ignoring combat but I still don't want my companions to sheathe their weapons along with the player because it still doesn't work half the time and is annoying. I just need some type of clue as to what to edit in order to remove this function.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You don't need to set aggression or confidence.

You need to select the correct AI for the follower. Probably there is a problem in the script and the script selects the incorrect package. Ensuring to select the correct package (package's type follow, target player and set the distance, must complete) and set the playerfaction in the companion's factions. Then set in the companion script setignorefriendlyhits 1.


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