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Long winded sugestion but I hope someone can help.


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Hello there, players and modders of Oblivion, until today I hae never had a problem finding a mod which I liked the look of, or a mod based on an idea in my head...


But then disaster, I have searched, browesed and in all other ways searched for a small settlement or town, with a few quests made by a player that I like the look of...


The closest I've found was "Kvatch Aftermath" but I felt less attached to it towards the end, when i was asked if i wanted a "good" or "evil" chamber, i'm unsure if that was kept in the mod, but none the less I am moving off my own topic!


Summery of my blab so far: Closest I found to what I want: Kvatch Aftermath, everything else, not for me, too big, too godly, too self praising...


What do I want?


I'm an RPer and as an RPer I want something with some class, my idea was this...


Cropsford was a new settlement built after obtaining rights from the council and the employment of the character, why not allow the character to be able to buy some land, hire workers and build the beggining of the settlement?


and then add some quests, maby an advisor or one the the builders spots a mine nearby which could be lucrative, but its haunted....


set amount of time passes, the begginings of the settlement are complete.


Hire farmers / sell houses to people who wish to live there, keeping the main building for your own.


Raise money and or quests in the settlement, then exspantion.


maby a black smith not far from the mine, a sheep farm or crops farm, expand the settlement to a point where it is self sufficiant.


Quests and raising funds.


Player is reconised as "Lord" or "Lady" of the settlement by the council, the settlment is now a small village.


More quests maby based around population, hiring a smith or other misc quests.


raise funds, stop a disaster something to pass the time untill the next change of the settlement..


Add some stone path ways and upgrade the buildings.





I could go on for hours like this, my main point is this...


I've been looking for a download where my character becomes the lord of some land, and over a (not too small period of time.) and with some hard work the player manages to turn that land into a small town.


Maby its a project that some will think of as stupid, but I personally think that if its done in a manner where there is more interaction and roleplay elements, it could be big..



So as a final summery, I want:


To find a modder willing to work with my idea, maby I can write a full story line and description up if needed, or find a modder who is working on a similar project and try to help out.



Any idea's hints, tips, links or PM's on my idea?

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There are some castle mods, and house mods like that. The hiring people, and expanding aspect at least.


Integration also sounds similar. You find a city that was literally lost in time(it's a lore thing), gather the materials/funds to "grow" the city, go on a search for people to live in your city, and then when everything's done you wait a few days and then have a city. The people living there don't praise the ground you walk on, but they do have some quests for you... about, 10. Unfortunately you have to complete a long quest line before you even get to creating the city.


The roleplay list here might help too.


If you're really looking for something specific just ignore this and hope that a modder decides to help you, but there is a rule.... "The more specific the request, the more likely you'll have to do it yourself."

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The seeds of tomorrow

she's very restless now, sleep is becoming impossible.her time is very near again.time to leave her restful sleep and return in human form.time to acess the damage and make a plan to gather the seeds and protect them from the horrors of war.She is a goddess and her job is to repopulate the world when the time of war has past.To do this she must insure the safety of the young women of tamriel but this is an almost impossible task.As food becomes more and more scarce many of these young women are forced to leave their

nests and fend for them self's.Young men are often taken in by fighters guilds but most will not waste their time with young females.Without her help many will die a horrible death,be taken as slaves or end up as hooker's.There was a time when our goddess could handle all of this on her own. the world was much smaller and she was much younger but that was thousands of years ago and the worlds population was much bigger now.sure she could just try to save a few of them and manage it on her own but this could be very dangerous.allowing a world to be repopulate by angel's and slave's would produce a would without love or hope and war would return much sooner and the downward spiral would cause the world to sink into

a darkness that could not be recovered from.finding the right person to help her won't be easy,it never is.Sure there are lots of priests out there that would be sympathetic to her need but they don't have the finances to do the job.She will need the help of a man out there resourceful enough to get the job done. Convincing him to do the job will not be easy.when our goddess returns in human form she will be quite stunning and getting this man on board will not be to difficult .But as has been proven in the past she will need more then that to keep him committed to see it through to the end.she will need the help of the young women to keep him interested enough to keep it all together. A small price to pay for keeping them alive and safe from a dangers that await them.Besides why should she be the only one making such sacrifices. All the men she has given herself to for the good of mankind, no she will not be the only one. Now on with the plans,first she'll need that resourceful male,better not to let him see the big picture as this will scare him away for sure.she will need to setup a dozen or so communities,better not to have all you seeds in one place. But for now just a single orphanage will do then the collection process can begin. After she gathers the first wave of seeds the training can begin she will handle the female side of things to keep our unsuspecting male from running off.nothing like the smell of a woman to keep him coming back. He will need to train them to hunt,gather,fight,loot to keep the money coming in there is much to be built to make a community. A farm,school,church.stores to sell the goods and inn's to bring in money from travelers. It shouldn't be to hard to fill the empty rooms with a nice looking inn keeper.

Home's will need to be built to house the young women and get them ready to be married of and making babies when war comes to an end. it will be much easier to find young men to wedd them if they have a house.


Interested ?

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I'm checking out Intergration now, If I like it thanks for letting me know about it.



@rdamstrom, thats a little too sexually orientated for me, I like the writing you've put into it, and its not a bad story either, but i'm more of the "fammily friendly" content type guy.



If i was to put my words into detail of what I want.........







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*The scene is a typical rainy day in the province of Chorrol, and the well know hero of many names is sat at the tavern enjoying a drink with the locals, Then he meets a traveling merchant, one who catches his interest, for the man speaks with such a bold and silver tongue that he could silence the room with just one word.


So our hero talks to this merchant, who turns out to have once been an advisor for the count of Kvatch. (Or if the mod was to be pre-Kvatch compatible.) who turns out to have once been advisor to Crown Prince Geldall (Ligitimate) son of the Emperor, and now he trades off wares to try and make a living untill he is hired as an advisor once again.


Our Hero decides this man would be a perfect advisor, his funds are growing bigger by the week, and he needs someone to tell him how to spend it, other than being extreamly kind to the beggers of Cyrodiil.


The Advisor tells him of a remarkable spot for the makings of a small town, he marks it on the map. (Location truely unknown, maby somewhere at a cross roads.)





And thats the start of the main quest line for what I had in mind..



  • Advisor.
    Quest for permission from the council. (becoming a Lord/Lady of the land.)
    Naming the land. (similar to the arena but with a few more options.)
    Hireing workers to begin the foundations and building of buildings.
    waiting period, possibly with quests.
    settlement complete, hire farmers and live in the small house
    raise funds couple of quests
    expand settlement to small village.
    try to sell houses to people to live in village
    quest for a smith
    quest for alchemist
    quest for tavern keeper
    quest for general trader
    hire builders (again) to build pallisade around village.
    wait for small period untill palisade is complete.
    quests possibly bandit raids
    quests clear out a mine and get permission from council to make mine part of the "village"
    hire miners.
    raise funds / misc quests.
    hire builders for roads / paths in the village.
    possibly next bandit raid or problems with beasts.
    raise funds / misc quests.
    expand to small town.
    quests for more people to live in the town.
    misc quests for your people.
    hire builders for a town wall.
    waiting periods, misc quests.
    walls are built.
    be named count by the elder council.


and for all of that I was thinking instead of it all being instantainious, have it take at least one - two weeks (game time.) between each expantion.





If anyone thinks this is good please let me know.





If someone does take this on, please let me know and add my name to the credits... not that i'm seeking glory or anything :ninja:

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