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Post your Fallout 3 WTF Moment!


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Some drugs from fwe, heroin and some overdose syringes. When I went to the saloon a message came up "mr. Burke is dead you can no longer receive a reward for blowing up megaton" when I went back into his house he was asleep. Very much alive. ??? He never showed up at the saloon but I can still catch him wandering around megaton, and he has no dialogue...
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  • 3 months later...

I have my WTF moments... but I can't upload pictures I need to record them to a video clip...


Sometimes when I use "Fast Travel" to get to a certain location (this happens to me mostly when I travel to Vaults), dead bodies fall from the sky beside me...


The weird one was when I fast traveled to vault 106 or 92 (I don't really remember), a robot with a brain felt from skies just some meters beside me like somebody shot him with some mininukes, he was in perfect condition, but dead...


I guess this not only happens to me.

Edited by Rusoski
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  • 1 month later...

Just arrived in GNR Plaza, with the whole Supermutant battle in progress.


My LW is using the Ghostarmour mod. The Behemoth makes his Big Entrance, and gets capped in the head with multiple shots from the LW's Bosun rifle from that mod. His body goes airborne, somersaults, and then lands just on the other side of the wrecked railway entrance.


THEN, when looting the body, the LW finds an assortment of stuff, as expected. But, the only actual weapon found is a .32 Pistol. Really gotta wonder about that - what was the Behemoth using it for? Or did it just fall into a body crevice at some stage and get forgotten?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Once using Real Time Settler Mod, I walked out of the Academy only to hear a very creepy voice shout "HUNGER!" It was completely unexpected and i almost fliped my chair. To this day i am unsure as to weather this was in my imagination, my real life, or in the game. But i refuse to go into the Academy now unless absoulutley necessary.
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Two recent funnies involving Giant Radscorpions.


(1) Walking along, minding my own business. Couple of my companions suddenly head off to attack something. Can't see what it is because of rocks and greenery in the way. THEN, this Giant Radscorpion flies past twenty-plus feet directly overhead. Not tumbling or doing the ragdoll thing, I must add, but FLYING like Superman might if he was an arthropod. Impacts the ground somewhere behind me. Dernedest thing.


(2) Spot a Giant Radscoprion just sitting around on a hillside. Line up my high-powered sniper rifle and shoot. The GR rears up on its backside until almost vertical, then pauses, and finally slides ass-first into the ground until disappearing completely. Not a trace of it left. Reminded me of pics showing the Titanic's final plunge. Definitely freaky.

Edited by 7thsealord
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  • 3 months later...
Ok so I was playing shooting up innocent people and one of the guys head exploded ( yes I know that is a normal thing) but when I went to go lute him his eyes were glitched to be floating and stareing strait at me. I have got to say that was the biggest WTF moment I've ever had
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just had a WTF moment. This is about my 10th or 11th play-through of FO3 and I was doing the Broken Steel mission at Adams AFB. While sneaking into the mobile crawler, I released a mind control deathclaw which was following me around like a puppy dog. After I got to a ladder and went up, I didn't see the deathclaw anymore. I completed the mission, was taken to the Citadel and then decided to go back to Megaton (where I was living in this play-through. Since I had already tromped over the path from the Citadel to Megaton a dozen times, I decided to fast travel. I appeared in Megaton with my follower Sydney and the deathclaw from Adams AFB, which immediately bounded down the path and went into a killing frenzy on the towns inhabitants! I quickly fast traveled to a remote site (along with Sydney and the deathclaw) and killed the beast there before going back to town.


I've never seen anything like that before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The wierdest wtf moments I can recall...

Lately I returned to Vernon Square where I'd previously battled super mutants who come out of this half-way destroyed building. All the bodies were there by the doorway but above one of the bodies floating in the air was a jaw bone, two eyes, and brain pieces. I go over to them and 'touch' it and it falls to the ground. wtf?? Wierd.



A long time ago I'd rescued some BoS recruit in Falls Church. Then like a month of game time had passed since that, I wake up in my Megaton home after a night of sleep and there he is, the BoS recruit, still in sneak mode and he's with Paladin Hoss. Then they run out. I think wtf?? I eat my morning Punga Fruit and prior to go out on a mission I go to my weapon storage downstairs to change out my missile launcher for my Fat Man and 15 mini nukes I'd been saving and it was CLEANED OUT. The Firelance and alien power cells were gone too. That's when I broke a sweat and thought WTF??!?!! I ran out of My Megaton House and those guys were nowhere to be found :psyduck:

I went to talk to Lucas Simms but no dialog choices for reporting a burglary :confused: That was a really shite morning.


Another time I was in Moriarity's Bar and went to talk to some nameless girl in the bar and she said "it's not that kind of bar" and her head started slowly spinning like it was a pinwheel. That ws wierd and I never went back to that bar even on new playthroughs.


I know this happened to other people, but one of my first playthroughs I'm near Anchorage Memorial, low-level, and fighting a Super Mutant by a Metro Entrance health is getting low so I'm turning to run away and then everything freezes and the screen slowly turns to this kid and he's like "Help me help me, they're gonna get me" and I'm annoyed so give him all the flippant answers and he gets angry and the dialog ends. And as soon as I can move again... super mutant smashes my head with a nail board and I'm dead thinking WTF..??? Damn kids :mad: Now I run far and fast when I see that kid coming at me in the distance.


I kinda hate having companions because as soon as we enter ANY building they always take off running into some other room, setting off all traps, running into enemies bullets, alerting every single Mofo in the building that Yes, We Are Here!! and then they DIE, leaving me thinking WTF???

I guess that's why FWE sets them to essential. They're all suicidal.

Oooh man... I think I turned this into a rant :sweat:

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  • 1 month later...

A deathclaw suddenly appear on my back and killed me in the old onley sewers when i was hiding from them, i was screaming until i died in the game, it was the most WTF moment i had.


I have one more WTF moment i truly remember, once before being patched, i found moria's head spinning around it was funny yet disturbing

Edited by mrqiv1122
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