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They stand a

Watch, silent and


They sleep in

Mud, the sand

And in the



Far from home

In far away


To protect our

Lives and liberty

They take a



Some young, fresh

From high school

Others that are

More mature


They give of


And answer a

Warriors call

And for life

And liberty, many

Gave their all.


Fearless and strong

Are they, one

And all

Men and women

Of a special


They all seem to

Follow a simple

Yet honest creed.


With honor and

A code for

Which many did


They all utter

Just a few

Simple words






This is dedicated to all who serve in the military and to SGT Warren Murphy, Bronze Star and Purple Heart,Member of the Irish Fighting 69th and the Houma ,La National Guard.

Killed in action Taji,Irag,January 6th,2005

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*Snaps to attention for salutes SGT Warren Murphy for his service to his people*


I only hope that after my training is over and I am deployed I can render the same service for the United States and all her peoples.


My only dream is to destroy the nightmares of others.


Thank you Dezzi for that tribute, its just another reason for me to push harder when I train

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*Snaps to attention for salutes SGT Warren Murphy for his service to his people*


I only hope that after my training is over and I am deployed I can render the same service for the United States and all her peoples.


My only dream is to destroy the nightmares of others.


Thank you Dezzi for that tribute, its just another reason for me to push harder when I train

thank you for giving of yourself and Godspeed and stay safe.

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This is nice! I'll be telling my squadmates to see this....


I'm leaving for my 4th Tour at December. Yeah.... Christmas and New Year's eve at the front.....


Thanks for making this beautiful poem, dez!



Best, Warm Regards

GySgt. Tiber Septim

I'll keep you and all the others who serve in my prayers and God Bless you all.

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This is nice! I'll be telling my squadmates to see this....


I'm leaving for my 4th Tour at December. Yeah.... Christmas and New Year's eve at the front.....


Thanks for making this beautiful poem, dez!



Best, Warm Regards

GySgt. Tiber Septim



Good luck Gunny!

Ill be heading to boot camp shortly after you head out for you're tour

Stay safe man

Semper Fi!

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  • 3 weeks later...
You continue to amaze Dez...thank you for being thoughtful, and considerate to those who have, are, and will serve in our armed forces.


Semper Fidelis

Always Faithful

it was my pleasure and I commend any and all that selflessly give of themselves for our country and its people.

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