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Climates of Tamriel chromatic issue


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Well, i didn't had this problem the first weeks i've come back playing skyrim with my new rig in october, everything was beautiful and perfect.. then, as time has passed and i've added more mods, one day i've noticed that the sky was like in these images: http://i.imgur.com/euxZEnJ.jpg









Before anyone will say anything about that, these picture are taken after waiting about 24 hours (to permit CoT to start working), on a clean install with ONLY the official files (skyrim, update, dawnguard, hearthfire, dragonborn, highres texture pack 1-2-3, with no other texture mods installed and with the settings dungeons-hazardous, nights light level 5, the CoT patches for dawnguard and dragonborn, the .esp further dark dungeons of Project ENB, and last in load order the prod80_CoT _Patch_FogEdition.. I've tried various ways, to check what was the problem, that ugly wrong colored band above the horizon disappears only if i deactivate climate of tamriel (and naturally the related .esp), the enb seems to make that thing more visible, maybe because it emphasizes colors..

Just to let you see, this is how skyrim is after exiting Helgen and before activating any mod




i don't really know what to say or do, i ve loved CoT and i can't really play without it, or with it either now, i've tried RCRN but it isn't really the same, moreover i can't seem to make it work properly along with an ENB.. and it is not so light as CoT is.. I would really appreciate if anybody will have a solution or an advice for this problem, i've even checked if it was my graphic card problem, maybe an update to drivers which had started the problem, but i've tried installing the drivers i had when CoT was working fine and it is the same, i've tried with the latest making the path "uninstalling old drivers-cleaning with a driver cleaner in safe mode- restarting and installing the new one" nothing changed.. I was wondering if an external program would be able to interfere with skyrim in this way, but i'm not that expert to know it..

Oh and before making a clean install i've followed the various steps of Skyrim project stability..

Edited by AStro88
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What binary are you using with Project ENB? The later ones add new features Project ENB was not created for such as Mist.

As i said, project ENB only emphasizes the problem, but it still occur even without any ENB active

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