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New Custon Race - Weird Body texture


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Hello everyone,


I just created a new custum race. I made that that custum race has the textures and meshes of Imperials (so basically didn't change anything there) on the Body Tab except for height.


However, ingame my face is ok but the body once naked is weird, all smooth and with colors patches here and there

Not violet nor blue dark like a missing texture or meshe...


I am using MaleBody v5 which works fine on other races...


Anyone has an idea where this could come from ?



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Hello everyone,


I just created a new custum race. I made that that custum race has the textures and meshes of Imperials (so basically didn't change anything there) on the Body Tab except for height.


However, ingame my face is ok but the body once naked is weird, all smooth and with colors patches here and there

Not violet nor blue dark like a missing texture or meshe...


I am using MaleBody v5 which works fine on other races...


Anyone has an idea where this could come from ?




Try changing the texture path to the new ones added by the body mod. If Robert's male body has an esp file that changes textures to RTfootmale.dds (like in version 4) in the vanilla races, that wouldn't be covered for your custom race.

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Thank you for the input.

Well the thing is it is textures that are missing because when i open the path CS only looks for dds files. Yet if i am not mistaken Robert Male doesn't add any "lowerboddy.dds" or "upperbody.dds"...

And wierd think is : in my Oblivion/Data/Textures/Characters/Imperial, I only have foot and hand dds...

Is that normal ?

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Thanks savage !

I tried that but it still doesn't seem to work :(...

I don't know if it is that but I am directly modifing my COBL Race plugin. don't know if it is a bad idea.

All I have in my Imperial/Male folder is : footmale.dds and footmale.n.dds ... And they are from the male roberts v5 texture folder

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Thanks savage !

I tried that but it still doesn't seem to work :(...

I don't know if it is that but I am directly modifing my COBL Race plugin. don't know if it is a bad idea.

All I have in my Imperial/Male folder is : footmale.dds and footmale.n.dds ... And they are from the male roberts v5 texture folder

roberts V is a beta mod and may be buggy, did you try using IV?

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Thanks savage !

I tried that but it still doesn't seem to work :(...

I don't know if it is that but I am directly modifing my COBL Race plugin. don't know if it is a bad idea.

All I have in my Imperial/Male folder is : footmale.dds and footmale.n.dds ... And they are from the male roberts v5 texture folder

roberts V is a beta mod and may be buggy, did you try using IV?


In fact I reinstalled Male robert V and retrieved bash tags Body-M and Body-F in COBL Races (that I added for some reasons) and that solved the problem. Still having issue thow when i wear clothes that seem to come from a clothing male replacer for roberts... oh well think i will manage to solve it or deal with it myself.

Thanks anyway, i appreciate !

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