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Request for Most Essential mod


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Can somebody make a respect mod for the game. Nobody respects us even after saving the freaking world. please modders Somebody really needs to do that. i hate being told "move along" and stuff and I hate that freaking line "i used to think you were a hero , but i guess i was wrong" :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
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The only time I heard that line was when my Infamy was higher than my fame, thats a bit more than "a few mistakes."

Personally I think rather than asking for a mod to make your character be respected by all (the guards) in the game, You should concerntrate on being respected by the guards in the game.


Also on a more helpfull for you note, There is a console cheat to adjust your fame and infamy, if your that bothered by it, just go onto a cheats website (2 minuits on google.) find the cheat and "mod" the game yourself.




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As I recall TRN One of the Gang prevents Legion guys from giving you the "citizen", or "insult"* greetings whenever you're disguised as a legionnaire. The same might be possible for a mod to recognize that you're in the "Champion of Cyrodiil" faction, and then disable those greetings.


*Well I think they do still insult you sometimes, but that's seen as like a goody two shoes cop talking to a corrupt, kill everything cop.


There's also a quest mod that takes your rankings into account when solving quests. For instance if you want to revoke a certain decree you can either convince 5 counts to agree with you, or just talk to Ocato as the Champion of Cyrodiil. People still don't always treat you with the utmost respect though.

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