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Can't preview songs in GECK for custom radio station?


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So I'm trying to create a station for New Vegas, following this guide here:




Now, using Goldwave, I encode the mp3 files under GSM 6.10 .wav files at 22.050 kHz, Mono, 36 kbps as the OP doesn't really explain what he saved the files as beyond "Mono" and ".wav" and another user mentioned that those settings worked for them.


Problem is, when creating the sound file, I select the file from the folder, hit preview to make sure it's working, and nothing happens. I also tried previewing some of the stock sounds and also got nothing from them. I followed the OP's instructions and loaded NV to test out a couple songs and nothing played on the radio either. The station shows up in the menu, but no sound comes through. Very frustrating considering how careful I was.


I should add that when creating the topics for the station, I get an error message about there being no valid sound driver. I suspect this has something to do with it, but I'm really not sure.


Any help appreciated.

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make sure that the tunes you are using are royalty free and obscure enuff that you won't get slammed for copyright stuff b4 you proceed unless you are using your own created music ... just sayn


I realize how copyright works, and I appreciate the concern. But I'm not seeking profit from these songs or this mod, nor am I redistributing the loose songs themselves. Merely creating a freely distributed modification with them that functions in Fallout titles and Fallout titles only. So copyright should be of no concern. Most of the stuff I'm using is from the 60's/70's/80's anyway. Hardly relevant by today's standards. In the incredibly unlikely event that it were to become an issue, mod comes down. Simple. I've seen plenty of mods with CR material up on the FO3/NV nexus and it's all still going strong, so I'm not worried in the least.


But back to the issue at hand.

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I know for the vanilla sounds to work be previewed in GECK the Fallout-Sound.Bsa has to be extracted to your FONV Directory first.. well it did for me anyway not sure why your custom sounds are not working though.
This may sound silly but have you made sure that they are in falloutnewvegas/data/sounds/ folder?, That would cause it not to work.

Sorry Doubt I was much help :P



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I know for the vanilla sounds to work be previewed in GECK the Fallout-Sound.Bsa has to be extracted to your FONV Directory first.. well it did for me anyway not sure why your custom sounds are not working though.

This may sound silly but have you made sure that they are in falloutnewvegas/data/sounds/ folder?, That would cause it not to work.

Sorry Doubt I was much help :tongue:




Yea, directory for the station folder is New Vegas/Data/Sounds/Music, same as the folder for Radio New Vegas.

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Your .wav files need to be 44100 Hz, Mono and 16 of bit depth if they are not already?


I'll try that, thanks. Like I said:


"Now, using Goldwave, I encode the mp3 files under GSM 6.10 .wav files at 22.050 kHz, Mono, 36 kbps as the OP doesn't really explain what he saved the files as beyond "Mono" and ".wav" and another user mentioned that those settings worked for them."


So OP in the linked tutorial thread never explained any of that at all, and all of the pictures are now broken links after 4 years so whatever minor bits he glosses over, I'm not able to figure out.

Edited by metallifan
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Well I managed to get a random .wav file of a song to work in the GECK I don't have any audio encoder software installed but I used this if you started from .mp3's http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-wav might be a bit of a hastle but it allows for 16 bit of depth.


If you use that and it still doesn't work , try searching for a song already in game for example under sound search 'MUSNVTempBigIron' then change the editor Id to whatever you want say 'mysong' and click okay and accept when it says create new form <<( Its important you do that else it will overwrite the existing file).Then load up the file you just created and simply replace the audio file to the one you want.This can sometimes fix issues, no idea why but it does.. Geck eh? :D

Edited by aaronz12345
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